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"Stay by my side? It's my job to stay by yours~"


You looked at him for a brief moment and felt your heart jump a bit.
"Oh shut up" you pushed him as he began to laugh.
"That was pretty good huh~?"
You sighed, "Just forget I said anything.."
"Don't be like that, just trying to lighten the mood" he continued, "How about this.. would you like to come over my place tomorrow? It is the weekend"
"No funny business" you narrowed your eyes.

"I wouldn't dream of it~"


Finally you were back home and laid flat on your bed exhausted. The fact you had to quit your job lingered in your mind.
Nevertheless, Emilio was a more interesting topic.
Was he naturally rich?
Who was he..?

"Emilio.." you said his name as you lifted your hand at the ceiling, "Emilio, Emilio"

It had a ring to it.

"Emilio my pretend boyfriend" you smiled and got a message on your phone.

It was the grim reaper himself.

Miss me yet? ;)

You smiled and responded with a rolling eye emoji.

Don't be like that.. Are you not even going to ask how I got your number? Or will you go along with that too?

Your heart suddenly dropped and you set your phone on the bed.
Sometimes Emilio seemed like he had superpowers. Like some sort of god who granted you wishes and knew your every move. Either that or he was an actual stalker and you needed to report him.

Another ding came from your phone.

Awe don't leave me on read ;(
I got your number from your phone when you weren't looking. I'm not a stalker, I promise Xd
Anyways goodnight beautiful XoXo~

"What a tool.." you laughed to yourself.

Not even a few moments later, you were dead sleep. The next morning, you woke up dazed but excited for the weekend.
You heard arguing already and groaned as you checked your phone.
No new messages.

Damn it Emilio.. when are you coming to get me?

Your mother suddenly slammed your door open, "Get your ass in here"
"Just do what I said!!" she screamed and you sighed.

Fuck.. on my day off?
Oh right..


You spent the whole day cleaning an Emilio hadn't contacted you the whole time. You started scrolling through your phone and still had no new messages from him. It was getting late so it just aggravated you more.
You decide to swallow your pride and text him.

Where the hell are you??

He immediately responded.

Miss me?

"Asshole!!" you shouted and threw your phone on the pillow, "Damn him!"

Your phone dinged again and you immediately jumped for it.

Come outside.


You slowly trutted out the door and towards his parked car. He let down the window and gave you the innocent smile he always wore.

"Well? Get in sweetie!"
You cringed, "Sweetie my ass! Don't sweetie me! Where have you been??"
"Busy.." he mumbled and you almost snapped.
"Busy?? Busy doing what!? You're my pretend boyfriend so step it up!!"

Emilio's eyes immediately darted to yours with a frown.

"Oh yeah?" he scoffed with an attitude, "I've been busy making money. You think it just grows on trees toots?"
You gulped and immediately began to apologize, "I didn't mean to shout at you"
"Oh yeah?? Seems like you're treating me like a slave rather than a pretend boyfriend" Emilio stated as you continued to peer through his car window.
"I'm sorry alright!! It's just you're my pretend boyfriend.. and I'm not.."
He cut you off with a glare, "Right.. and you're not my pretend girlfriend? I get it. Get in the car already"

Why does he seem so cold..


You sat awkwardly and a bit nervous as he drove to what you assumed his home. He hadn't said a word since your little argument earlier.
I mean.. Emilio was always smiling.
Did something happen today to set him off?

Surely it couldn't have just been your outburst.

"Hey.." you touched the sleeve of his white button up. Now that you noticed, he was just dressed rather nice. A pair of tan slacks with a nice belt and dress shoes.
You were just wearing casual attire.
"How long until we get there?" you asked and he smiled showing teeth.
"Well aren't you impatient~?"

I hate him! Just answer the damn question.

He pulled up to a house after driving past trees and trees. It was in a rural area with no people around. The windows were huge and the outside decor was beautiful.
He opened the car door for you and lead you inside. The inside of his house was even more beautiful. The kitchen was a black interior and the lights lit up in awe. There was a set of stairs but you took a seat on the couch.
Emilio left for a brief moment as he grabbed drinks.

"It's lovely.." you told him shocked and he smiled.
"You think so?"
"Where is everyone..?" you asked and he put a finger over his lips to indicate you need to whisper.
"My little sister is sleeping"
"What's her name?"
"How pretty!! I want to meet her"
"Alright.." he took a sip of wine and you didn't know how to break the silence.

He mentioned work earlier..

"Where do you work?" you asked and he shook around the liquid in his glass.
"It's a secret.."

Again it went silent and you rubbed your arm.
He wasn't talking like usual, and despite smiling more, he seemed to have a lot on his mind.

"What do you want me to buy you first?" he cut you off and your eyes widened.
"I uh.."
"A car first right? What kind?"
You frowned, "Emilio.."
"We can always go clothes shopping" he mentioned staring at you and waiting for a response.
"Is anything the matter?" you asked ignoring his questions and he tilted his head, still looking at his drink.

"Well to be honest.. I've underestimated your coldness"


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