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You woke up dazed with sunlight in your eyes. It took a few moments before your mind processed the ordeal of last night.
You immediately covered your face with shame but a smile began to form. You wrapped a blanket around yourself and traveled downstairs where you were greeted by Emilio cooking waffles.
He looked up and your eyes met.
You felt your heart spark.
His gaze made everything around you stop.

"Good morning.." you smiled to him hesitantly and he didn't reply. Instead, he returned the greeting with a charming wink and a smirk.
You looked away flustered and sat at the table.
Internally you were screaming as he brought you a plate of waffles. You looked up and it felt like he was peering down at you.

A courage to speak rose in you again, "Thank you Emilio.."
"Uh huh.." he replied shortly, going back to the kitchen to grab his plate.
You felt your face heat with a hint of anger.

Is he toying with me right now?!

He sat infront of you and began to eat his food. You felt a strange sense of awkwardness as he kept the talking to a minimal.

"Are you ready for today?" he asked which surprised you.
"Oh uh! What? Ready for what?"
He just looked at you until you realized he was dressed in his school uniform.
"School! Right, school! We have that today?! What time is it??" you rushed out your words and he chuckled.
"We have 10 minutes until the late bell"
You stood up hastily, "What?! You didn't wake me??"
"I figured you needed rest from last night~" he grinned and you scoffed as you rushed upstairs.

You threw on your washed uniform and put your hair in the quickest hairstyle you could. You brushed your teeth and rushingly put on jewelry and other cosmetics. You grabbed your bag and ran downstairs while putting your shoes on.
When you entered the kitchen, Emilio was in the exact spot eating the other half of your waffle as before.

"What are you doing?! Get to the car!!" you shouted with adrenaline and he stood up slowly as he took the plates to the sink.
"Hold on, let me wash these plates"
"Emilio we'll be late! Where are the keys??"
You could hear the sounds of the dishes clanking as he washed them.
"They should be on the couch" he replied and you began to search all of the cushions.

No keys were in the couch, which only made you more frustrated.
Emilio put the last of the dishes up and you looked at him defeated.

"Oh!" he searched his pocket and pulled the keys out with a smile, "I forgot they were in my pocket!"
"What?!" you glared and he began waking out the door.

This asshole..


You sat in the car with your arms folded. You had grown tired of his teasing.
Emilio pulled into the school parking lot with a smile but the tardy bell had already rung.

You hopped out the car and Emilio caught your hand.

"What is it?" you asked annoyed and he smiled with innocent eyes.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Nothing.." you muttered and he kissed your lips quickly.

You were taken back as he held your hand walking inside the school. Your anger subsided and you moved closer to him with a small smile.


The school day progressed and finally lunch rolled along. You walked in with Emilio an immediately Miki and Niah ran up to you.
"You're okay!" Niah exclaimed an Emilio nodded.

You all sat together and chatted as you ate. Bursts of laughter came into play before Miki mentioned something.
"Something's weird about you two.."
You an Emilio glanced at each other, "Hm?"
"Yeah I noticed it too" Niah butted in looking closer and you threw your hands up.
"What are you guys talking about? Nothing's different besides this bandage on his ugly face!" you joked as you placed your thumb on his bandage and he grabbed your wrists.
"My face is ugly? Why would you let an ugly face between your le-"

You immediately placed your hands over his mouth and laughed awkwardly.

"Shut the hell up!!" you whispered in his ear as he laughed. Miki and Niah looked at each other concerned.
"No.." Miki started again, "It actually feels real now. Maybe I'm over thinking it, but before it didn't seem like you guys liked each other before"
Niah jumped in, "Yeah! Now it seems you guys are in love~"
"L-Love?!" you shouted and quickly lowered your voice, "As if.."

Niah and Miki raised an eyebrow but ignored your weirdness. Emilio didn't seem to bothered by your response; in fact, he seem amused.

"Hey Emilio! You should tell us how the accident happened" Miki smiled and Niah agreed.

Emilio obligated and began telling the story of his injury. At first you were paying attention but your mind began to travel elsewhere. You looked around the cafeteria before making eye contact with Kenny.
Your heart jumped as he scowled and walked out the doors.

"I have to use the bathroom.." you told Emilio and he was surprised at the suddenness.
"Do you always have to use it around lunch?"
"Surprisingly, yes! I'll be back" you kissed Emilio's cheek and left him with your two best friends.

You walked out the doors and looked down the empty hall. You hummed confused before walking down the corridor.

Where is he?

You took a corner and jumped as Kenny leaned against the wall with his black hood on. His hair was in his face as usual and he had his arms crossed.
You sighed with relief, "You scared me!"
"Why are you following me?" he asked coldly.
"I just wanted to make sure you're alright.."
"I'm fine" he lied.
He let out a short laugh, "Didn't you hear me? I said I'm fucking fine!"

You immediately got offended at his harsh words. The bell rung and you walked away without another word. It wasn't your responsibility to check up on him; you just decided to be nice.

You met up with Miki and Niah.

"Where's..?" you began before your eyes became covered.
"Guess who~"
"Emilio.." you took his hands off your face and he smiled before leaning down to your ear.

"Meet me in the janitors closet on the third floor after school~"


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