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"He did what?!?"


You wiped your eyes as Niah rubbed your back, "He's fucking crazy!! Trying to kiss me on the way out as if he didn't say he pretended for fun!"

Miki hadn't pulled out of his driveway yet, and now you knew why as she opened her driver door with anger. You quickly grabbed her arm, "Miki no!! Please let's just leave!"
"No I'm going to beat his fucking ass!"
The hot tears kept coming, "Miki I want to leave!! Please don't.."

She sighed and got back in the car. She put the car in reverse and Niah said something that made you both pause.

"So that means you're both single?"
"What?" you pushed her off of you, "Why the fuck would you ask that?"
Even Miki turned around with disgust, "What is wrong with you Niah??"
"I was just asking.." she muttered and you gritted your teeth.

Fucking Spider..


You had been staying the night at Emilio's house for so long that it was strange to be back at your own home. You wiped your face and cleared all your tears as you opened your front door.

Your parents loved Emilio, so you just had to pretend everything was okay. If you didn't, you didn't know if you could bare their questioning.

As you stepped foot in the house, you heard laughter from the kitchen.
You peeked around the corner, and to your surprise, Kenny was having dinner with your parents!

"What's going on?" you asked shocking everyone.

Kenny was wearing his pin-striped, baseball uniform which was covered with dirt from the field.

He had a game tonight?

"Oh sweetie! You actually came home!" your mom hugged you with a passive-aggressive smile, "Your father an I went to the baseball game an invited Kenny to dinner! He carried his team to victory tonight!"
Your father butted it, "He hit 5 home runs!"
"What?" you turned to Kenny surprised, "That's Major League Baseball material!!"
"I just.. had to blow off some steam.." he muttered an immediately you felt guilt.

You clenched your fists as your head began to spin again. You needed to vomit. The feeling of betrayal built up again.
There's no way you couldn't have seen it coming.

Did you choose to be blind?
No.. it was genuine..

"Are you hungry?" your mom asked.
"No.. I ate. I'm just going to bed now" you began to walk away and Kenny grabbed your hand.

"Are you okay?"

The question almost made you burst into tears again. You stared into his dark eyes as his hair was pulled back by his hat.
You knew he knew something was wrong.
Kenny noticed before your parents and now you stood awkwardly. You couldn't respond.

Kenny cleared his throat, "Thank you for the meal! I must be going now.. My parents are waiting"

Your parents hugged Kenny and insisted you walk him to his car.
You just wanted to lay in your bed, so you obliged.
When you got to Kenny's car, he grabbed your shoulders and looked at you.

"What's wrong?" he looked into your eyes, an again, you couldn't respond.

Instead, you cried into his arms and he held you. You leaned on him like your life depended on it and he planted his hand on his car to keep balance.
He pulled you back angered.

"Why are you crying?! Who hurt you?!" he shouted and you sniffed silently.
"It's nothing Kenny.. you don't need to worry about it.."
"What?!" he furrowed his eyebrow, "Don't worry? It was him wasn't it??"

He opened his car door and pulled out his baseball bat. You gave him a weird look and he smiled as he slowly looked up.
He patted his metal bat and came closer.

"I'll make sure to hit the ball harder this time~" he threatened and you finally realized.
"Kenny stop.."
He tilted your chin with crazed eyes, "Stop? No.. He hurt you didn't he?"

You pushed the underclassman back and his hat fell off. His black curly hung down as he glared.

"You're not risking your future because of my petty affairs!!" you shouted with a throbbing headache and he smirked.
"I thought we talked about this before? I don't care about my future.. Baseball is nothing to me right now.." he walked closer and grabbed your arm.

Your head shot to him and he wiped your tears.
His eyes looked so different.
They weren't as shy as before.
Even though you saw him scowl with jealousy, it was never like this.

His eyes pierced yours with rage.

"Tell me what happened!!" he demanded and you shook your head as it fell down.
"It hurts too much to say again"
He grabbed your shirt and made you look at him, "How much longer are you going to cry?! There's 5 stages of grief and I'd rather skip straight to revenge!!"
You pushed him against his car, "What do you know?! Why are you so concerned with me! You're a fucking child!!"
"Oh please! You can say that all you want but I don't care! I love you an I can't see you cry like this over that pathetic guy!" he walked to the driver side with anger and slung it open.
You followed after him a bit desperate, "W-Where are you going?"
"To handle it.."

Again you felt powerless as he crunk the car.

"Stop it.." you told him as he threw his bat in the back seat, "I said stop it!!" you yelled and he looked up at you. He had an unamused expression and was waiting for your explanation.
"It's my affairs! My business! It has nothing to do with you.. I already have a plan for my revenge.."
"Oh yeah?" Kenny smirked and leaned on his wheel.
"Well fill me in; otherwise, I'm going to find where he lives~ Whether you like it or not "


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