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Immediately you heard loud chatter as you entered the cafeteria. Your eyes landed on Kenny, who was waving you over.
You smiled and sat beside him. Miki and Niah sat at the table as well, and for a moment, you were happy to have such supporting friends.

The moment hardly lasted as you heard a girl from behind question alloud, "Hey isn't that Emilio? Why isn't he and his girlfriend sitting together?"

Your eye's instinctly looked over to your now ex and he had a scowl on his face. He was wearing glasses, which you never knew he needed, and had his arms crossed.
He was wearing practically the same as you, a black hoodie and joggers. His eyes lingered up and you looked away as you made eye contact for a split second. Your heart was racing, it felt like you could have a panic attack.
You gulped and felt someone hold your hand. Your head shot to Kenny who was looking away and you smiled.

Why is Emilio wearing such a mad scowl anyways? It should be me who's mad..

"Is it just me.. or does Emilio look hot with that cold, broken face?" Niah blushed and you all looked at her shocked.

You couldn't even respond as your throat began to burn. Your body got goosebumps at the sudden rush of anger surging through you.


You watched as Miki flew her hand across Niah's face and you all froze. Your jaw gapped open and so did Kenny's as Miki lost it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Niah?! Are you mentally ill or do you just like pissing people off??" the bell rung as she shouted at the now embarrassed girl. Miki grabbed your hand, "Find your own fucking way home cunt!"

Miki practically pulled you to your class. You waved Kenny goodbye and you stopped your bestfriend to talk to her.
"Miki.. you didn't have to do that"
She scoffed, "Like hell! She had it coming.. Niah has no right disregarding you like that. We don't need her and never will"
You smiled and hugged her, "Alright. Thank you"
"Of course! I'll see you at lunch, get to class!"


You could hardly focus on work but you managed to get some done.
You finished half of your classes and put your books in your locker. It was a few minutes before lunch, but you weren't really hungry.


You watched in horror as a familiar hand planted on your locker. You turned around as you were met with his dark eyes.
His voice echoed in your head and you felt lightheaded.

"Can we talk? I couldn't wait until lunch.."

Your breathing picked up erratically as he blocked you against the locker. Students walked passed and didn't seem to notice.
Your throat felt swollen and you hated you couldn't move.

"Hey are you listening?" Emilio reached for your hand which made you snap back into reality.
"Get away from me.." you demanded looking down.

You just couldn't look into his eyes.

"Hey I'm sorry! Just hear me out alright? Please.. Aren't we still dating?"
"Ha! You mean pretending?" You spat and he gritted his teeth.
"Won't you just listen to me?!" he shouted and your heart throbbed, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell!"

He tilted your chin and wouldn't let you break away.
He grabbed your arm becoming more desperate and you pushed at his chest.

"I can't stand you anymore Emilio!!"
He frowned, "I know!! Let me make it right!"
"Make it right? Are you crazy?" your voice began to crack.
"Please just meet me after school!"
You pushed him and he stumbled back, "You're crazy Emilio!!"

"What's going on?"

You both turned to a familiar red headed teacher.


You ran to the the teacher. Rice looked at you and then back to Emilio with a glare.
"What is going on?" he asked again with a deeper tone an Emilio scoffed.
"Nothing! We were just talking.."
The teacher gritted his teeth as he comforted you, "Doesn't look like it! Go to the principals office!"


"Ah no!" you spoke up worried, "It's nothing just let him go.."
"Are you sure?" the green eyed teacher asked and you nodded with a fake smile. The bell rung and the teacher sighed. "Go to lunch young man, an I advise you to leave this young lady alone"

Emilio cursed to himself and walked away. You sighed and the teacher put his hands on his hips.

"You and your boyfriend get in a fight?"
You rolled your eyes, "He's not my boyfriend. Thanks anyways Rice, I've got to go"
"Not so fast!" he grabbed your arm and you groaned annoyed, "Remember our deal? Photography club?"
"Oh right.."

He smiled at you and handed you a paper. There were schedules and times printed for meeting and photography shoots.

"You have a meeting today!"
You analyzed the document some more, "Wait.. We have a photography shoot the day of prom!"
"Oh right" he continued, "That will be a few hours after Prom"
"What?! What if I'm still in my prom dress??"
"It'll be fine~" the teacher began to push you out of his sight.
"We had a deal!!"
"Fineeee" you groaned trying to remember his classroom. You waved him off as you headed to lunch.

You entered the cafeteria with dread as you looked around for your friends.
A stranger tapped on you shoulder which made you jump.

"Hey.. You're new to the club right?"


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