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"Meet me in the janitors closet on the third floor after school~"


You took a sip of water from the fountain after your last class. The schools bell's continued to buzz throughout the halls, as fellow classmates rushed out the doors. You waited for the perfect timing before swiftly sneaking up the first flight of stairs. You smiled with your hands behind your back as you walked down the hall to the second flight.

I wonder why Emilio wants to meet in a closet after school..

Again, you smiled like a school girl (which you were) and began to blush. You took a right turn and jumped as you were faced by an unfamiliar teacher.

"AH!" he shouted startled which only made you yelp back, "What are you doing young lady?! What's your name??"
You were at a lost of words, "Uh.."
"Doesn't matter. Do you have some type of club you're going to?" he questioned with folded arms and you laughed awkwardly as you made up a lie.
"I left one of my books in a classroom on the third floor.."

He rose an eyebrow.
You smiled innocently at the male teacher. He was unfamiliar and must have been new to the school. Early 20s, with loose-curled, red hair. He had a slender face that held an express of distrust as he looked at you.
He was wearing a black tuxedo which almost made you laugh from how overdressed he was.

It didn't seem like he was buying your lie and you doubted he'd let you go as he narrowed his green eyes.

You took a step forward which made him step back surprised, "Sir! I mean.. what's your name? I'm not familiar with you. Are you really a teacher? You're dressed in such fancy wear that it doesn't seem like it.."
"Oh I'm-"
You were ready to put on an act.
You gasped backing away, "Wait! Are you even a teacher?? You're an intruder aren't you?!"
His face reddened as he put his hands up, "No I just transferred from a different school. This tuxedo is becaus-"
"Someone help!!" you shouted pretending to be scared, "There's a strange, ginger male on the second floor!! Hel-"

He covered your mouth with a glare.

"Shut up!"
You moved his hand, "You can't say that to students, neither can you cover their mouth! That's how I know you're not really a teacher!!"
He sighed frustrated as he gripped his bag, "I am a damn teacher! I just graduated with my degree early"
"Well, my apologies wise one~" you smiled sarcastically and he rolled his eyes. You began to walk around him, "Well I must be going. I have to grab my books"
"Not so fast!!" he stopped you annoyed, "What class are your books in?"


"Class.. 305" you admitted and he smiled.
"Oh yeah? I didn't know you were one of my students~ Nice try kid, you're going to the office!" he pulled at your sleeve and you cursed to yourself.
"Kid?! I'm 18 just so you know!"
"Uh huh.. tell it to the principal"
You stopped and he let go, "Wait! Can't we come to an agreement? It's not like I'm breaking any rules here.."

He just looked at you with a frown as he tapped his foot. He crossed his arms as he thought.

You batted your eyelashes, "Please? Mr..?"
"Motes. Mr. Rice Motes"
"Your name is Rice?!" you began to laugh and he rolled his eyes.
"Yes, very funny" he looked at you closely which made you look to the side awkwardly, "You know.. we need more members in the photography club"
You gave him a dumb look, "Photography?"
"Yes" he smiled, "Join it and I'll let you go"

You stared at him with an unamused look but the new teacher didn't budge. Time was passing quickly and you knew Emilio was waiting for you. You finally gave in with a sigh.

"Fine!" you exclaimed and he grinned with white teeth.
"Great! Meetings are after school tomorrow in my classroom. You'll get to meet the members. You can go get your 'books' now" he turned with a peace sign and you rolled your eyes.
"Later Rice!" you shouted out with a grin before turning and rushing to the second set of stairs.

You made it to the third hall with a sigh, and stepped until you were right infront of the janitor's closet. Slowly, you turned the doorknob and walked into the dark room.

"Emilio..?" you whispered but only saw shelves, boxes, and brooms. You suddenly got chills. "Emilio where are you??"

You felt someone come up behind you and cover your mouth. You began to struggle as the person wrapped their hands around your waist and pressed your chest against the wall. Your words were muffled but you stopped struggling as you heard his laugh.
He uncovered your mouth but kept you against the wall.

"Yes my love?" he smiled and began kissing your neck.

Emilio began pulling your hips against the front of his body.
Both your hands were on the wall as you an Emilio's breathing began to become more rapid with heat.

He pulled your back against his chest, "What took you so long~?"
"I was stopped by a teacher.." you mumbled and his kisses went higher until they met your ear.
"What a shame.. I was all alone without you.." he whispered and you gulped as his hands traveled upward.
"Alone? Don't be so dramatic.." you stated boldly and he smirked against your skin.
"Dramatic? No I need you so direly. The moment you stray away, I'm bound with chains of loneliness. I'm not a jealous boy, but if you ever were to leave me for someone else, I could buckle under the pressure~ Which is why I must ask.." Emilio's hands lingered just below your breasts.
"Emilio.." you muttered with a smile of lust, "We can't do this here.."

He flipped you around so your back was against the wall. Your eyes had adjusted to the dark, so you could see his face clearly.
Your heart dropped as you noticed his facial expression. It wasn't what you imagined when you were faced away from him as he caressed you.

Emilio was wearing a frown and making serious eye contact with you.
Immediately you were drug back into reality.

"Why did you leave lunch to go see that underclassman that hit me with the baseball?"

To be continued 🫶

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