Without him

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"That's okay, take your time~"


You just stared into Emilio's eyes. You weren't sure what much else to do. Was his intention to kiss all night? Or something more?

"What is it? Something you want to ask me?" he pulled you closer with a smirk.

You couldn't help but look lower.

Could it be.. maybe it was your intentions that were something more?

"What? Are you just going to stare at me all night?" he laughed and you blushed.
"Okay~ You know.. prom is coming up, isn't it?"
You nodded and he continued, "I could make you a big, extravagant poster. Is that too much? Would you prefer me just ask you right now?"
"You're asking me to be your prom date?" you stood up flattered, "Just how hard did that baseball hit your head? We just started dating! Prom isn't for another month.."

You backed away as Emilio stood up with you. He took both your hands with a smile. The dark room was only lit with moonlight and made you feel tense.
Not a tension of discomfort, but instead you were too comfortable.
With him that is.

He grinned a bit, "Just started dating? That can't be.. not what I remember"
"Your memory isn't so good.." you trailed off and he spun you around.

While caught off guard, he dipped you in his arms.

"Come to prom with me. Will you? Be my date, I assure you'll love it~"

Damn it..

He gave you too much time to respond.

"I can stay in this position all night" he stated looking into your eyes, "I'll wait until you answer"

Something about him, like you mentioned before, you didn't trust.

His amnesia for starters was abnormal.. but you somehow forgot as he stared almost right through you. Not in a way that couldn't see you, but could see all of you.
Like he could catch you in a lie, which you would never do to him. As if he could see through any facade you put on.
A stare that could keep you on edge, an a smile you wish you could turn into a laugh.

Emilio was just a bit too attractive. So much so, it made you hate him at the same time.

What you were describing, couldn't have been love? Could it?

"Yes.." you accepted and he smiled.
"Forget my probable concussion.. let's sleep alright?" he released you back on your feet.


You slept in the same bed that night for the first time. At first you were nervous, but eventually you were able to drift to sleep.
The light from morning had beamed through the window and hit your face, waking you from your slumber.

"Oh no.." you muttered getting out of bed.
Emilio's deep voice startled you, "Where are you going?"
"To school" you stood up and he grumbled as he got out of bed aswell, "Where are you going?!"
He raised an eyebrow, "To school?"
"No you need to rest" you sat him back down and he smiled.
"I'm fine"
"No Emilio!"
"I'll b-"
"No!" you cut him off angrily and he rolled his eyes.
"I'm fi-"
"No Emilio!"
He stood up annoyed, "Fine!!"

You rolled your eyes and got dressed in your clothes from yesterday as he continued to pout.
They hadn't been washed, but they weren't horrendously dirty.

"Hey.." Emilio muttered and you looked at him, "I have extra clothes for you. If you need to shower you can, I'll drive you to school"
"Thank you.. an it's fine Emilio. I can drive myself" you paused, "Where are those fresh clothes?"
He looked away, "Not saying"
"Let me drive you" he demanded and you couldn't believe it.
"You're giving me an ultimatum?!"
He crossed his arms, "Yes"
"Stop cutt-"
"Let me drive!" he exclaimed and you rolled your eyes.
"You're such a child!!"
He winked, "So that's a yes?"

Ignoring him, you went inside his bathroom and turned the shower on. You brushed your teeth thinking to yourself.

Right I didn't shower last night because I was too busy reading Suzanos diary.

Curious, you opened the bathroom cabinet and your heart dropped as you no longer saw the little girls journal. You pulled out towels, and searched among the cleaning products but found nothing.

I put it in here right??

"Fuck.." you muttered and began stripping your clothes.

On the inside you were freaking out but tried to stay calm. You hopped in the hot shower and began to bathe while trying to think of a solution.

Did I misplace it? No.. Please don't tell me Emilio found it.

"Damn it.." you let out putting back the soapy loofa Emilio had gave you last night.

If he found it then he definitely knows I read it.

After you were done, you got out and wrapped a towel around your body. As you opened the door, you were greeted by Emilio with your clothes.

"I'll be waiting in the car" he stated and you nodded.


As soon as you were done, you rushed to his car and he drove to your school.
When you got there, the late bell had already rung.

"Damn it.." you mumbled as you opened the car door and he grabbed your arm.
"Forgetting something?"
You raised an eyebrow and he gave you your school bag.

How did he get this?

You glanced back at him and he was still looking at you. You crawled back on the passenger seat and planted a kiss on his lips.
He smiled and rubbed the back of your hair as he broke the kiss.

"I'll lick you up after school, have fun!" he grinned and you shut the door as he drove off.

You began to walk towards the doors before you realized..


"Did he mean pick me up? Or??" you spoke to yourself knowing he probably said that to mess with your mind, "Damn you Emilio!!"


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