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"Careful.. Our deal might end before it even starts~"


You gritted your teeth with embarrassment, "You wish!! Drop dead!!"
"Woah.." he began with a smirk as he grabbed both your wrists, "A bit morbid aren't we~?"

He span you around and somehow you were on his lap with a flustered face. He leaned forward with a grin as he pecked your aggravated face.

"Yes?" he gave you a look and your eyes darted to the side.
"Don't.. look at me like that.."
He laughed under his breath. He kissed your neck before staring at you again.
"Alright.. I'm sorry"

You could feel your heart about to burst. You'd never felt such flusteredness. Looking at him was enough to make you blush.
Just who was he?

"Can I give you a tip?" Emilio suddenly spoke up but didn't let you respond, "Don't fall for me~"
"I wouldn-'"
He cut you off, "You know, smiles are very deceiving"

Your body stiffened as he narrowed his eyes.

"Like I said, don't fall for me"


Afterwards he took you home and you laid in your bed aggravated.

Why do I miss him?

You rolled over on your side as your fake boyfriend began texting your phone.

I'm sorry for Suzano again. I'll be sure to talk to her about next time you come over.
Sleep well alright? We'll go shopping tomorrow; bright and early in the morning.. Goodnight <3

You smiled and replied.
Eventually you fell asleep and dreamt of work. Perhaps you missed it. Perhaps you didn't.

The dream was about you casually talking to your coworkers and the site suddenly blew up.

You woke up a bit drained but quickly grabbed your phone to a message from Emilio.

I'm on my way.

"Sent nine minutes ago!?" you panicked and immediately fled the mattress as you jumped in the shower. You weren't in long before you heard a knock on your front door.
You hopped out the shower as your mom answered. Yet again, you confronted Emilio with a toothbrush in your mouth.

Except now, you were in a towel.

"I'm not ready!!" you yelled at him as fury drenched from your eyes.

Emilio put his hands up nervous as your mother scolded you.

"Get dressed now young lady!! What are you doing???"



Quickly you threw on a T shirt and jeans. You looked in the mirror and made sure you were decent enough before going out. You didn't even speak another word to your mother as you grabbed Emilio by the arm and led him outside the door.

"Woah! What's the rush?!" he asked as you opened his car door.
"I'm just really excited to go shopping"
He grabbed both your shoulders, "Really? We have all the time in the world"

You balled your fist as you felt a distant thought of Deja Vu. Sort of a tainted memory that you wished to never think.
It was when you were forgotten if that makes sense.
You had been forgotten so many times it was weird Emilio showed up so early without warning.

"Listen Emilio.." you started before glaring at him, "If you EVER forget me.. or ever leave me. I'll never forgive you! If you ever forget me, this deal is over regardless of what we shook on!"
He was about to make a joke before he saw your face, "Where's this coming from? What do you mean forget?"
"I.." you started but realized what you were saying, "Nevermind.."

Emilio suddenly pressed you against his car and your heart jumped at the sudden movement.
His stared you in the eyes meaningfully with full intent.

"I don't know what's up with you but.. you're not exactly an easy person to forget. I won't leave you stranded with a false promise.." he continued and tilted your chin, "If someone ever did, they'd be a fool to lose you in such a way. I will NEVER do such a thing alright?"
You smiled, "Okay.."
"Okay" Emilio grinned, "Let's go shop to our hearts content"


"Emilio look at this one!" you pulled a red dress from the rack and he shook his head before grabbing the black one.
"I prefer this own.."
"Look at this maroon one!!"
"This is a sexy blue.."
You rushed over to the the gowns, "This is such a cute silk!"
"I'd prefer if you slept with nothing on"

Emilio walked away and you rolled your eyes as you continued to look through clothing.


You jumped as Emilio suddenly whispered in your ear. You turned and hit him in the chest as he laughed.
"What?! What is it?! Don't scare me like that!"
He was hiding something behind his back, "Oh I'm sorry.. I just want you to try on something"

You raised an eyebrow and watched in bewilderment as Emilio pulled a royal blue, lace lingerie from behind his back.

"Come on~ Just try it on in the dressing room.."
You crossed your arms and faced the other way, "No way!"
"Please.." your face flushed as Emilio whispered in your ear and hugged you from behind, "Do it for your pretend boyfriend~"

You snatched it from him and his face lit up as he followed you to the dressing room.
"Wait out here" you told him and he nodded as he sat down outside the curtain. You began to undress and you couldn't figure out how to put it on.

There weren't exactly directions and you kept getting the lace and strings messed up since it was a one piece.

"You okay in there?" Emilio asked which only frustrated you more.
"I'm fine!"
"You said you need my help?"
You looked up at the mirror with wide eyes, "No! Give me a few more moments!"
"You said your hair got caught on the metal clip?"
"W-What?! No!! Hold on.." you tried to put it on as fast as you could and could feel your body heating from embarrassment.
"You're hurt?! That's it, I'm coming in!"
"N-No!" You shouted dazed as you somehow managed to get it on as he opened the curtain with a smirk.

You were out of breath as you looked at the annoying male.

"You asshole! I told you I wasn't ready!"


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