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Prim could hear grunting as she laid on the filthy brown floor. Her eyes adjusted to the sunlight that beamed down onto her face as she gradually opened them.

Slowly sitting up, she realized her arms were chained to the wall. There was also a piece of fabric in her mouth. It was wrapped around her, held in place by the torn-up retro headphones she wore.

"Oh shit," Ellie said from next to her as she ceased the pulling of her restraints. "For a second there I thought you were dead."

Growing exhausted Ellie sighed, then turned her head to look out the window. It was the only thing she could do and had been the only thing she had done for the past few days.

"This fucking sucks," she expressed.

Prim sat there in stillness. She was very tranquil for a person held against their will. The door open. Knowing the routine Ellie stood up as four people stepped in.

Staring in front of her, Prim watched the interaction that was going on. Ellie booted the tray with the empty plate towards the lady in frustration. She started to count before being asked.

"Cleary and Slowly.", the women remarked.

"One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight" Sticking up the middle finger, "Fuck you."

The lady remained unfazed by Ellie's actions.

"And hold out your-"

Ellie held out her arm. This whole process was irritating her. If she were infected, she would have turned by now.

"State your name slowly and clearly."

"Veronica" They have done this many times during her unwelcoming stay. Yet they still think her answer would change.

"Same as yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day-."

The group didn't stay around for her rant. As they exited, they kept their distance from Prim. "People are going to come looking for me, you know, people from FEDRA, you hear me"! Her Chains rattled as she yelled.


However her yells went on deaf ears as the door was still shut and locked. This time it was with more force than usual.


Her shouts echoed through the cramped, broken-down room. Realizing she had gotten nowhere, Ellie slumped down onto the floor.

"Unbelievable," she mumbled under her breath. Military school was starting to seem like a fantastic place to be right now.

Bites might not be able to kill her, but this dust-filled room just might.

Prim decided not to say anything. Even if she wanted to it would be challenging with the cloth in her mouth. If they were going to kill the girl, they would have done it by now. No one would risk having an infected person in a safe zone.

Having enough of all the commotion she pressed the button on the cassette tape that was clipped to her pants. She hummed to herself as the classical song replayed for the hundredth time.

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