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Ellie and Prim spent their time rolling a grungy aged tennis ball toward each other.

Ellie was lucky enough to find it in the corner earlier. It was the best form of entertainment they had, had in days.

The sound of the ball as it rolled across the hardwood floor echoed throughout the room. Ellie rested her face on her leg. Without even realizing she moved the ball with too much force. It curved and hit the wall causing it to become out of reach.

"Fuck this," Ellie said. She was tired of waiting for her uncertain fate. Having to check every other hour to see if she was infected was driving her crazy.

Water leaked through the window as she returned to pulling on her chains. It dripped down from the ceiling onto her face.


The floor above them was decrypted, causing water to drip down onto Prims hair. She continued to sit there until, out of nowhere she stood up quickly.

Ellie looked at her startled. For the most part she had been relatively serene.

The door creaked open. Ellie sighed, thinking it was another test.

"One, two, three, four-."As the door was slammed shut both girls watched as a woman walked it. It wasn't the usual women that came to test Ellie or ask Prim questions.

Ones that she never answered.

The woman threw Ellie's backpack toward her. Then she placed a plate with pancakes in front of Prim.

Ellie hurriedly went through her backpack to take out her pocket knife. The women bent down. She sat closer to Ellie.

"You are not scared"? Ellie threatened as she held up her knife. The woman shook her head. "Then unlock us."

"How about we start with a thank you."

"For what"?

"For saving your lives, I was the one who told them not to shoot the two of you if you recall ."She took a glance at Prim. "I didn't have to do that."

Ellie put her knife away, allowing the woman to speak. She didn't understand what was happening or why they were here. 

"Why did you tell them not to"?

"We'll get to that."

Prim was too preoccupied with her pancakes to pay attention to the conversation.

"Am I going to turn"? Ellie asked a bit worried. Although she was sure she wouldn't already, there still was a little doubt in her mind.

"No," the woman stated honestly.

"So can I go"?


"I won't tell anyone about any of this ." She pointed towards Prim. "She barely speaks so I doubt she will say a word."

"Where are you guys going to go exactly? Back to FERA military school. They'll shoot you and put your little friend in a confinement cell for the rest of her life".

"You think I chose that place? They put me there when I was a baby".
"They didn't put you there I did, Ellie."

Ellie raised her eyebrows. "You my fucking mom or something"?

"Do I look like your mom".

"Noo you do not and I guess you aren't Prims either."

"Wow you are a smart one aren't you" the woman voiced sarcastically.

Prim licked her plate as she finished her food. She couldn't help but crave more.

"My name is Marlene, I'm the leader of the fireflies in the Boston QZ."

"Why would a terrorist dump me with FEDRA"?

"Because it's where you'd be safest, and you were safe there until you decided to sneak out. Honestly, I was lucky enough to find the both of you, shit really could have gone bad".

Marlene scuffed. "And Terroits, was Reily a terrorist." Ellie looked away. It was apparent that the mention of that name hit a sore spot for her.

Feeling wrong about what she had just said Marlene tried to offer some sympathy.

"Look, I know both of you might feel like your prisoners, but I did this for the greater good. Right now you two are the most important girls in the world", She took a breath.

"You guys have a greater purpose than any of us could've ever imagined. That is why we are leaving tonight and were taking you two with us."

"He's here," the test lady announced as she opened the door.

"Five more minutes."

Prim zoned out when Marlene mentioned leaving with them. She had never gone into the city before. Two thoughts swirled in her mind.

One was that she could find some new Cassette tapes out there. There has to be some leftover ones somewhere.

The other thought was that there was no way she would allow them to take her or Ellie to some place they had no clue about.

The woman told something to Ellie in a hushed tone. Prim didn't trust her, not one bit.

Marlene was a rebellion leader. If you could even call it that. After years of fighting had gotten them nowhere.

With every hit they take, FEDRA hits back harder. Getting nowhere in your goals makes you desperate.

Desperate people in a world like this was not a good thing.

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