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Snarling and clicking came from numerous directions. The only choice for the group was to hide behind a cracked display case.

Joel mouthed words to Ellie. Her breathing got heavier and her nerves took over. She held Prim's hand tightly. It gradually sipped out of her gasp.

The contorted silhouette moved in front of Prim as she stood there looking through the glass. Her heart was beating so rapidly she could hear it. Although her lips pressed together so hard they could bruise, a whimper came out. Tears ran down her face.

"Prim", Ellie spoke with worry. Louder than she should have.

After realizing what she had done she looked up at Joel. Joel looked Tess. Then they both looked to the side.

They weren't able to think about what to do next because before they knew it a body flew through the glass at maximum velocity.

The figure knocked Prim back causing her to hit the floor.

"Hurry up you snail", a voice yelled from up ahead.

"Don't call me a snail".

"Then don't walk like one".

Two pairs of feet walked through a damp forest. Yein dropped the sticks that he was holding once they reached a cabin. "Finally, Gosh I need a drink"!

He turned towards his sister noticing that she didn't laugh. She stood there staring, looking down at her shoes. "Geez tough crowd today". Once again he got nothing for the girl that would usually laugh at something as simple as him falling over.

Knowing the reason for her sudden change in behavior he went over to her. "Do you think-"? Yein interrupted her.

"It's going be alright we run into those things all time".

"I know but we both-", she stopped. Her brother seemed to have a different outlook on the situation. Both of his hands went onto her shoulders.

"How about I let you have my potatoes tonight, your obsessed with those mushy things. Would that make you feel better"? Before she could reply the door swung open.

Their mother peeked her head out. "You guys better get inside, it's getting late and your food is getting cold". Once the two were inside Yein immediately went into the other room.

"Let me go get you a change of clothes". The ones she were wearing were covered in dirt, grass and mud. That was a regular occurrence when they went out forging.

This time however, The girl did not want to change . Her hand reached out toward her mom in a panic. Instead of grabbing her arm as she intended her fingernails dragged against the skin.

Apologizes started to spewed out of her mouth. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I-".

Her mom laughed. "I know, It's ok. I'm going to go see if I can find some bandages, then I'll see if I can find some nail clippers." The woman laughed again.

Before she walked into the other room, she handed Prim a bowl of chili, creased her hair, and kissed her forehead.

The ceiling was blurred when Prim regained her senses. Glass crinkled around her as she got up. Without hesitation she pulled out a piece that was stuck in her arm.

Rubbing her eyes was the only thing she could do to stop the ringing. Once it was gone screams were all she heard.

Sightly turning her head to the side she saw Ellie and Joel on the ground. Joel was having a hard time reloading his gun.

With the last bit of energy she had left Prim ran towards the creature at full momentum. Her legs ached.

She put all her weight on it. Its body jerked back. Using all the strength that she had, she wrapped her hands around the thing as she bit into its neck.

Her teeth grinded against each other. Aged decrepit flesh slide along her tongue. Hot blood dripped down her chin. With one good tug the clicker's head fell onto the floor. Prim followed suit. Its body made for a good cushion.

"HOLY SHIT"! Ellie yelled in amusement. She ran over to Prim who was on the floor groaning. Bending down, she helped her up. Prim used her body to keep balance.

"Remind me to never make you mad". Glancing over she noticed Joel was pointing his gun toward them. "Hey, what the hell are you doing"?!

"You saw what she did".

"Joel", Tess stated. Although she saw the same thing as them. Killing the girl was an irrational decision.

Ellie got in front of Prim. "She saved our fucking lives that's what she did".

"Doesn't matter", he shot back quietly.

Ellie rolled her eyes. How many times were they going to go over this? Rolling up her sleeve she revealed a long red mark. "At least I didn't shit my pants", she commented.

She took a few steps towards Joel. "I've been "infected" to so if you kill Prim you have to kill me to."

Ellie scuffed, "At least it only happened to me". Tess faced tensed up at her words.

"You alright", Joel asked her.

"Twisted ankle, but yeah".

"What do we do about-". Joel didn't need to say anything. He looked over at Prim.

"Let's get the fuck of here ok. We drop them off, we get our stuff. If she turns then that's no longer our problem".

Joel rubbed his temple. Marlene owed him a lot more than supplies. "You stays ten feet in front of us at all times", he pointed at Prim.

Ellie patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, we just have to wait a little longer and then we won't have to deal with that guy anymore".

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