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All of a sudden her mouth went dry. It had been a long time since she spoke in English. Hell, it had been a long time since she started talking in general. While being with these people she has said more words than she would in months.

"I.. I..". 

Words started to form at the tip of her tongue . However she was not able to get any out. Her eyes rolled into the back of head. Darkness consumed her. The last thing she heard was Ellie calling out her name.

Ellie carried Prim on her back as she and Joel walked silently. They walked for miles, taking an occasional stop to rest. Prim had been out cold for most of the day. Currently she laid the girl against her body. Caressing her head since if she didn't Prim would just fall back onto the ground.

Joel had gone off into a nearby lake to make a grave for Tess. There was so much happening in one day. It was too much for her to process. Branches snapped in the woods indicating that he was back.

For a moment she believed that he had left them for good. She wasn't sure how she would feel if he did. Joel walked past them. The uneasiness grew by the minute.

"Do you want your Jacket back?" she asked Joel, who was going through his bag. He did not respond. Instead he threw some beef jerky their way.

Ellie munched on a piece. "I've never been in the woods. More bugs than I thought". The man did not acknowledge her at all. "I've been thinking about-". Before she could finish Joel stood up.

"I don't want your sorries", he grumbled.

"I wasn't gonna say I'm sorry. I was gonna say that I've been thinking about what's happened.

Nobody made you and Tess take us ".

She could not hold back any longer. "Nobody made you go along with this plan. You wanted a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice. So do not blame us because it was not our fault". Joel stood there. 

The two looked at each other in silence. All the man did was nod and pick up his gun. Ellie carefully rested prims head against the tree. Then she got up to give Joel his jacket. "How much longer"?

"Five hour hike".

Ellie sighed, she was doing more walking then she will ever do in her life ever. "We can manage that". She turned towards Prim. "Can you carry her this time, my back is killing me". Joel went over to the tree and hauled Prim onto his back. Her arms dangled over his shoulder.

They walked on for another three miles. Ellie decided to make some small talk. "You've gone this way a lot. No infected"?

"Not Often, No".

"What are you looking out for"?


"Oh. Are Bill and Frank nice".

"Frank is".

"How'd you get that scar on your face? Was it something lame, like falling the stairs".

"I didn't fall down any stairs".

Ellie was eager to know. "Ok so what then"?

"Someone shot at me, they missed", Joel deadpanned.

"See that's cool. Did you shoot back"?


"Did you get em?".

"No, I missed to. It happens more often than you think".

"Cause you like suck at shooting or in general". He gave her a look, "In general".

She looked at the gun in his holster. "Well seeing that it's just the three of us, I was wondering".

"No", he replied a little too fast for her liking.

"I don't think that's fair. You have a gun. Prim has her freaking inhuman strength and I have nothing".

"You're not getting the gun. Find a stick or something".

Ellie scuffed in disbelief. "Really, oh yeah don't worry if any of those things comes for us I can beat them to death with a stick".

"Exactly, see, you already have the spirit". Ellie rolled her eyes and they landed on Prim's resting form. Worry ran across her face.

"She'll be fine", Joel commented. "Ripping of a head can't be easy. Resting will do her some good".

The girl smiled a bit. "Or maybe she was tired of looking at your brooding face all day". Although Joel didn't say anything, Ellie could see the small smirk he made.

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