TWO, i watched you disappear

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season one

The door opening made Stella jolt awake. She figured it was almost midday, but she wasn't entirely sure. Ellie stood up, her shackles clanging as she did. A man stood in the doorway as a woman walked inside. Stella remained on the ground.

Ellie kicked a tray at the woman. Stella guessed Ellie had been brought breakfast while she was asleep. The woman glared at Ellie, "Count slowly and clearly from one to ten."

"One, two, three, four-," Ellie started quickly, obviously sick of their bullshit.

The woman cut her off, "Slowly and clearly." Her eyes moved to Stella, "Stand up," she demanded.

Stella furrowed her brows, getting off of the ground slowly as Ellie began to count again. After eight, she raised her middle finger, staring at the woman and said, "Fuck you," she held out her arm.

"State your name."

"Veronica. Same as yesterday... and the day before... and the day before," Ellie repeated. This made Stella snicker, the woman looking her way now. She looked mad.

"Count slowly and clearly from one to ten," she said.

Stella shook her head in disbelief, "How old do you think I am? Four? My six-year-old sister can count to ten in her sleep," the girl scoffed.

"Count. Now."

The blonde raised her hands in sarcastic surrender, counting from one to ten as she asked. Then, she held out her arm like she was asked.

"State your name," the woman said again.

She licked her lips, "Stella. Happy?" She gave the woman a smirk. Apparently when she had had enough of their shit, she left, clipboard in hand.

"Hey, people are gonna come looking for me. For us," Ellie told the woman as she walked out, "People from FEDRA. You hear me?"

Stella wasn't as bold as Ellie. Sure, she could act like a bitch and be sarcastic, but she just wanted to have some fun, messing with people was how she got it. In all reality, she was kind.

"Let us out or you're gonna pay, Motherfuckers!" Ellie yelled as the door closed and locked, "We're not supposed to be here!" she screamed again, continuing to be ignored.

Ellie sat down in defeat and Stella followed her lead, pulling her knees to her chest. They stared at some writing on the wall.

When you're lost in the darkness.

Just remember to look for the light, Stella finished in her head. The infamous Firefly motto. They had spray painted the words and their symbol all over the QZ and surrounding area. Stella wasn't sure on the actual meaning of it.

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