FOUR, i'm in your way

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season one

After walking for a bit, they came to a ladder. It seemingly led to nowhere, but Joel climbed up first and moved a wooden panel above them so they could get out. Stella followed him, Ellie and Tess behind her. The wood had been covered in dirt and Stella's hands were now caked with it.

They stayed down as Joel moved the wood back. It was only Ellie who decided to stand up and look around, "Holy shit. I'm actually outside," Ellie smiled. Stella couldn't really believe it either, but she didn't want to draw attention to the group if there were patrols nearby. A light moved their way and Tess pulled the girl down.

Stella was behind Tess. Tess glanced between the two girls, whispering to them, "Okay, we're gonna take the left edge around the buffer zone. You stay close and you follow my lead."

They both nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, of course."

"Let's go."

Stella caught Joel shaking his head out of the corner of her eye. Ellie and Tess began to crawl under a bus. Stella flinched when Joel touched her shoulder so she would move. He followed her under and they all stayed crouched, watching Tess's every move.

Joel and Stella had to crash to the ground when a vehicle passed them, his hand gently resting on her upper back. Ellie was tightly holding Tess's hand as they hid behind a car. He tapped her shoulder, letting her know that they could get up a bit. They crouched lower as they got to their feet.

Tess peaked her head up, looking to see if the coast was clear. They moved slowly, stepping into a sewer pipe. Metal clanged around them as Stella held her breath, not a good coping mechanism, but it helped her to stay quiet.

A helicopter passed over them and they stopped moving. Stella glanced between Tess, Ellie, and Joel.

Joel pressed his lips together, "Don't hold your breath like that," he whispered. He knew it wasn't a good idea. It would lead to her becoming lightheaded and they didn't need that, not right now. She nodded, slowly letting out the breath.

Tess moved forward and they followed her out of the pipe. Rain pelted their bodies, thunder booming and lightning striking, Stella flinched as it did. Out of everything in this world, she was scared of thunder and lightning. The four of them stood up against a wall, out of sight as Tess started moving again.

"What the hell?" They heard a voice say, "Hey, hey! Don't, don't, don't move," an officer said, zipping up his pants. He had been taking a piss in the corner and Tess thought they could pass him like nothing. "Don't move!" he yelled, grabbing his gun.

They all stopped, putting their hands up, so he wouldn't shoot. He moved his mask up, "You gotta be shittin' me," the officer said, staring at Joel.

"Okay, let's talk this out," Joel tried to reason.

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