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y'all i don't even remember what moment this pic of tanaka is from but it's cute.


you stand in front of the club president watching her unreadable expression as she flips through the pictures from yesterday's practice.

"and you believe you can get better pictures if you could attend one of the games?"


"their closest game is next week," she sighs, finally setting down the camera looking at you, "that is way past the deadline i set,"

she waited for a response from you, but you simply nodded. you knew that simple fact better than anyone. for once, however, you hoped she could see your vision and let it slide.

it was a standoff; the two of y'all simply stood, waiting for the other to speak when finally presidents brows furrowed as she opened her mouth to speak.

"here is what i'm gonna do, get me the interviews by tomorrow," she paused, "and you get me more pictures like this at their next game,"

she flipped the camera around to show you the picture of tanaka you had taken yesterday evening.

"yes ma'am," you smiled

"we'll publish it next week; talk with the coach about transportation, and a note of absence,"

you nodded as she shooed you away from her desk, turning to address the next batch of kids who needed your attention.

you were finally getting somewhere with this project. no more distractions, just smooth sailing from here.

you grab a spare notepad and pen before making your way through to the door for your last interview. as you try and swing the door open, its stopped by a large force, probably running into some poor guy caught at the wrong time.

"hey, watch where you're going dude-"

nevermind, its just tanaka.

you squeeze out the door, confused before finding tanaka crouching behind the it, eyes darting as he looks through the small window as if he don't got somewhere to be.

"..what are you doing,"

"just taking a second to.. y'know, observe the journalism club,"

uh huh.. you had a feeling that it's been way longer than a couple seconds but you decided to let it go.

"and why are you observing again?"

"cause the chicks at this place are totally hot," he throws you a thumbs up with a straight face like what he said was completely normal.

"right,.. i'm finna go-"

"you can't!" tanaka whisper yells, grabbing your arm and pulling you down to crouch with him. you throw him a look as you pull your wrist from his hand wondering what made him think that was a good idea.

"why not?"

his brows furrow as he clenches his fist, "you're the best wingman i got,"

he can't be serious. wingman for who? all the girls in the journalism club? there is a blank stare on your face as you stand up, "as i was saying, i'm leaving-"

but before you can even finish your sentence or tanaka can protest, you're being knocked back from the force of the door in front a you.

"i'm so so so sorry!" 

"it's all good," you find yourself mumbling before you even realize what's going on. in front of you stands the first year girl from yesterday who had met you in detention, eyes wide as she apologizes for the millionth time.

"at least let me take you to the nurses office for an icepack!" she grabs your hand, voice distressed.

"i promise you, it's no big,"

she calms a little as she drops your hand, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, "if you say so,"

she's about to leave before she glances to see tanaka, who had also been victim of the journalism club door, sprawled out on the floor, face obviously red.

"my hand- , hurts too!" he stutters, sticking out a limp wrist.


"oh," she replies nervously, slowly backing away, "sorry about that, tanaka, you should get that checked out by the nurse!"

and with that, she turns on her heel, not even taking a second to look back as she sprints down the hall.

that was tough to watch, you wince, considering how tanaka feels. when you turn around, he lays on the ground, hands covering his face.

"i totally screwed that up, didn't i?" he practically cries.

"you said it, not me,"

"she was totally all over you though," he grumbles, jumping back up off the ground, "it's always the pretty boys like you,"

"maybe it's cause i don't stalk people at their clubs,"

"no that's not it," he thinks to himself, hand resting on his chin. realizing this boy wasn't gonna listen to anything you had to say, you turned to walk away again.

"wait," he grabs you arm again, stopping you.

"listen, i need you to stop with this shit, cause-"

"please teach me,"

his head is slightly bowed as you stare at him, wondering what he could even be going on about this time.

"teach you what?"

"y'know.." his brows furrow as he avoids your gaze, "how to pick up girls,"


"you mad funny," you turn to walk away again, not a single bit a laughter leavin your lips.

"i'm serious!" he follows after you, determined, "look, i know it's crazy but i need your help! you saw how she was falling all over ya,"

"offering to take me to the nurses office?"

"guys like you just don't get it," he shakes his head in agony, "but even so, i need you to teach me your skills,"

"even if i do help you," you stop, tanaka falling back with you, "what's in it for me?"

"a lifelong friend and brother in arms?"

"i'm done here,"

you resume walking, tanaka staying behind to watch you go like in those kdramas. you didn't even have to look over your shoulder to know he was making some dramatic ass sad face. in just a couple minutes he'd be back to his old self, following along to the boys volleyball gym same as you.

"guess all that's left for me to do is come back here everyday until i can finally talk to her," he sighs


"or at least until you decided to help me, whichever comes first,"

that stops you in your tracks immediately, tanaka raising an eyebrow as he reels you in,

"this ain't funny, man,"

"i agree," he taunts, "theres nothing funny about it," there is a sly smirk on his face as he words leave his lips.

he had to be bluffing

every day?

everyday everyday? hell naw.

"i can be very persistent," he raises his eyebrows as if reading your mind, stuffing his hands in his pockets. the final nail in the coffin.

tanaka showing up every single day after school, unknowingly pestering you just like today.

even worse than today because the next time would be a target attack.

"i'll do it," you mumble defeated, eyes narrowing

"eh? really? i mean- yeah.. cool,"

you sigh as his face lights up as he runs to catch up with you, the two of you making your way down the hall.

he fucking got you.

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