
3.7K 110 19

ryu in a skull shirt and kitty apron cooking for saeko<3 that's it. that's all i gotta say.

wc: 1.3k


the room is dark when you wake up from your nap, clothes neatly folded for you on the bed, no tanaka in sight.

his bed was so comfortable that you wanted to fall asleep again, but it was boring up there by yourself. especially when you could hear the low echoe of the television from your spot in bed.

curiosity and boredom getting the best a you, you dragged yourself out of bed and down the dim hallway and stairs until you were greeted by the familiar glow of the living room light, tanaka seated on the couch.

"you're up!" he greets, "i left a plate for you"

he points the kitchen where you shuffle over to find your dinner waiting for you on the counter.

"thanks," you sigh, flopping down next to him on the couch, and pulling on the blanket he left for you on the seat cushion.

"no problem," he throws an arm on the back of the couch behind your shoulder, his plate already sat empty on the coffee table in front of him. the television drones on as you finish, the quiet between the two of you broken up by your yawns every couple minutes, "y'know if you're still tired, you can have the bed,"

you knew that already.

but it was real lonely up there

"well well, didn't realize you'd miss me,"

"I didn't say all that," you sigh faster than you can think, your eyes suddenly narrowing in confusion as you start to wonder whether you said that out loud..

"yeah you definitely did,"

you freeze from your spot on the couch, tanaka's cheeks flush as he laughs, "man, you really need to get to bed,"

the look you throw at him mixed with your tired eyes is endearing, but before tanaka can dwell on it, he's turning forward again, the glow of the television hiding the slight blush tinting his cheeks.

it's not long before the two of you are slowly fading in and out of sleep

you thought you'd be up longer considering the nap you took like an hour ago, but the soft drone of the television and the warmth besides you has you all too comfy.

tanaka definitely notices.

it's way too small on this couch for the two of you to sleep comfortably. your head bobs off the couch every time you're close to nodding off, jerking you up again.

"alright," he yawns, snaking his arm from around the back of the couch to tap your shoulder, "we gotta get up,"

the television dims to black right before you, the weight at your side leaving as tanaka stands to leave.

"where you going?"

"to bed," he stretches, pulling his blanket over his shoulder.

"oh.. goodnight, then.." you settle back into your blankets, but tanaka taps on your exposed leg.

"couch is too small," he yawns, looking wobbly on his feet, "c'mon,"

he wasn't really wrong. even with tanaka gone, as you laid down, your limbs dangled over the sides. but sleep had convinced you to stay just a couple extra minutes.. you'll get up in just a couple minutes..

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