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when you made it to school, the both of y'all said your goodbyes before heading to your classes.

it wasn't until your third to last class of the day that the speakers finally went on, announcing the departure of the boys volleyball team.

you couldn't be out that old classroom soon enough. as soon as you heard the announcement for dismissal, you were shuffling out the door and down the hall. you made a beeline for the journalism club room to check out a camera before making your way down to where the buses would be loaded.

you arrived in the parking lot holding the busses with your camera, and backpack, the boys volleyball club team already there and just about ready to load up.

it wasn't hard to find tanaka amongst them, ever the optomistic. he wore a confident smile as always as he encouraged a less than ready teammate as they made their way into the bus.

upon catching his eye, he looked up and threw you a fist bump from across the parking lot before stepping into the bus with the last of them. you hoped that when you met him again, you'd be congratulating his victory.

"you ready to get a move on?"

you turn around to see saeko, standing right next to her car and ushering you in. the ride tanaka had promised you.

"wear your seatbelt, don't stick your hand out the window" he started, "and any injury you might sustain-"

"injury?" you had interupted him as he gave you the do's and don't of being in her car.

"you probably won't even have to worry about it," he gives you a reassuring pat on the back, "..probably,"

that's what he had said on you guy's walk to school at least.

she certainly got you to the game for sure, but it was a miracle you two made it there with your souls still attached to your bodies. with how fast saeko was going on the highway, you thought you was bout to see God.

but true to tanaka's word, she got you to the stadium, body and camera still all in one piece.

"we gotta unload some stuff," saeko hummed as she opened the trunk of the car, shooing you inside the building. with promises to meet her inside, you were off and finding a good spot in your school's student section.

when you sit down, its only a couple minutes until the boys are already getting warmed up with game faces on.

you watch them through the lense of your camera before snapping a photo.

"so, got your little camera, yeah? our boys always look great out on the court, i know you'll get some good ones!" saeko appears over your shoulder to find her spot next to you.

she was definitely right, you just hoped you had the skill to capture their image correctly. your eyes were particularly turned towards tanaka who stood tense as ever with his hands on his hips.

the rest of the team looked just as determined as him as they listened to the coach, before the whistle was blown and the game officially started.

the area fell almost completely silent as the first person to serve stepped up to the court, the only sound throughout the entire gym being the ball smacking against the ground.

you could smell the tension in the air, instinctively pulling your camera to your eye to capture the moment the ball left the servers hand, flying to the other side of the court.

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