
2.6K 87 7

wc: 0.9k

cw: feminization,  kinda suggestive

i think. its not smut really.. but a heads up just in case 


it's the first friday of the month, which of course means the day where you beat tanaka's ass in super smash bros.

the two of you sit on the carpet of your living room, faces concentrated on the television.

there were stakes, this time per tanaka's request. he had been so adamant about it. as soon as the boy arrived at your front door, he started begging for you to hear him out for just a moment.

"and if i win, you'll put it on? really?" he drops an unusual outfit on the counter.

you side eye the piece of clothing before nodding, "sure, whatever,"

you had no doubt in your mind at the time you would win just like every other time you two played, but for some reason, tanaka was just a little too prepared.

you should've figured he was gonna get serious seeing as he was the one who proposed the whole idea.

you glanced at your side as you leaned forward, his face was so concentrated on the television he looked like he might explode it with his mind.


you had gotten tanaka down to one life, same as you, hopping around the arena trying to find an opening. but before you can even make an attack, tanaka gets the smash ball and completely decimates you right in front of your eyes.

you have to take a moment to blink back shock.

"i won?" tanaka stares at the screen in front of him, just as shocked as you, "hell yeah!"

"no way-"

"yes way," tanaka turns to you, shit eating grin plastered on his face, "you know what that means,"


tanaka's foot taps in anticipation as he waits for you to make your entrance.

you looked over yourself in the mirror for a second. it was a miniskirt with a cropped tanktop. a cheerleader outfit you figured.

it was the fact he brought it to you specifically that made you wonder why he had it. must be a huge pervert.

you step out of the bathroom changed, while tanaka stares at you completely expressionless save for the way his fingers clench around the fabric of his pants.

"dude?" you ask, trying to figure out if he's okay, but instead of answering, he falls from the couch to his knees, hands clasped in silent prayer.

"are you okay?"

"thank you, God- Buddha-" he whispers, revealing his tear stricken face as he turns his hands towards the heavens, "for the gift you've bestowed upon me today,"

"you're so dramatic. it's just-"

"can i feel?"


tanaka looks up at you with shiny eyes, wiggling with anticipation, "please?"

you barely have time to answer before he's pulling you down into his lap with a lot more force than you expected, circling your hands around his neck.

you slap his hand away as he tries to see underneath the already short skirt, grumbling as you adjust yourself, "I can't believe you actually won.."

"someones a sore loser," he chuckles fiddling with the hem of the skirt, "there's always next time,"

"now you're acting all-" you pause, sucking in a breath as his fingers press into your thighs, "-cocky.. i'm positive you cheated,"

"don't go making excuses on me now, pretty boy," he laughs, pressing a kiss to ur neck, "what was it i heard you say? losers always make ex-"

you plant a kiss on his lips, effectively shutting him up for at least a few seconds. you couldn't bear to listen to him use your own taunts against you.

"woah," he breathes as you pull back, "that help you let out some steam?"

you hum thinking to yourself for a moment.

"fine", he traces his hands up your exposed stomach, planting a kiss on your cheek, "what about that?"

but you simply shrug, "i don't know, maybe another,"

he places another kiss on your opposite cheek, and then your nose, and then your chin, gauging your reaction.

"you sure are a tough one.." he laughs before littering your face with kisses, leaving not one spot unmarked, "better?"

he tries again, laughing and its so infectious. you lean down, grabbing his chin in your fingers to press one last kiss on his lips.

"better." you pull back, smiling. tanaka has a goofy grin plastered on his face, melting to putty in your fingers.

extra xx

you ask tanaka if he wants to put a pause on game night and watch a movie for a bit and he agrees. (but trust. he will be dealt with. this is not your last round of super smash bros)

thirty minutes into the actual movie, youre asking tanaka why he even has this outfit. it was for cosplay. he was probs finna use it with nishinoya, but it didn't fit like he wanted it to.

obviously intrigued you ask him to put it on for you and he agrees, the two of you pausing the movie to swap clothes.

you had just slipped the crop top over his head and were in the process of trying to zip up the skirt when your dad walked out his room (cause ofc he did). you kinda forgot bro was even home at this point.

yall stared at each other for like a whole minute or whatever but he didn't say anything really. just put his shit in the trash and walked back to his room he chill like that ig. but ofc he had to tell his darling wife whom he loves soo much and she thought y'all was strippin in the living room.

anyway no more game nights 4 uuuuu :)


🕳 🤸 

the extra part was the last part of the chapter that i had only drafted. didn't get to write it, but decided i would post.. just in case..

we have now concluded our broadcast. thank you.

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