4. Twisted Fate

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His dark eyes smolder in contrast with his chuckle. "Don't worry, I remember that about you too."

My sharp inhale apparently gives him gratification as his lips curve into a devilish grin. He leans in and because of pure stubbornness—at least that's what I tell myself—I lift my chin in defiance.

His dark eyes lower down to my lips. His teeth grate his bottom lip for a moment before his eyes rise to meet mine again.

It's a strange experience to have everything around you become a muted background, when all I hear is my heart thundering inside my chest and my accelerated breathing. I find myself entranced by his lips, remembering the sinful pleasure they can provide. His warm breath teases my lips in a soft whisper of what could be if I just lean in...ever...so...slight—



I rear back, breaking out of the cocoon of lust in the middle of the sidewalk. Horns blaring, tires screeching, distant sirens and alarms popping off here and there, with conversations varying in degrees of volume and of course the construction work underway on both properties come in full force all around me.

"Hey, it's Crocodile Rock Girl!" A raven haired man with striking blue eyes approaches, singing the catchy tune, off-key, but his enthusiasm makes up for it.

Vivid images of me singing the song on top of the counter at the bar as other patrons joined me, flash through my hazy memory.

He nods, unperturbed by our lack of excitement, beckoning for us to join him as he keeps singing. "Laa, la-la-la-laa." He laughs, slapping Gabriel on the back. "You found her! Did you get her name this time?"

Gabriel rolls his eyes at the chuckling man. "Vanessa, this is my friend Elliot. Not sure if you remember him, but he was at the bar with us."

I glance back at the man holding his hand out to me before I shake it and remember him also at the restaurant. "Yes, I remember."

"Nessa!" Jenny comes to an unbalanced stop after running in her high heels. "We have a problem—"

"Well, it's been fun catching up." I cut her off addressing the men.

The last thing I need is for the competition to hear whatever shitstorm we have going on right now. I focus on Gabriel. "Good luck on your lease up, Mr. Tate."

He laughs, shaking his head. "I think we're way beyond formalities, don't you think, Vanessa?" He smirks, giving me a wink.

"Wait, is he the guy from the vid—" I yank Jenny away, but she cranes her neck to keep staring at the men we left behind.

"It is him, isn't it?" She keeps looking back and I groan.

"Stop staring, Jenny."

A look of concentration has her eyebrows furrowing together. "Tate...Tate...holy shit! You slept with the Gabriel Tate?!" She twists her neck to look at him again. "What's he doing here?"

"Thompson & Thompson hired him to do their lease up with Cindy." I inform her. Focusing on the curb appeal of our building, I make a mental note to order some planters for the exterior. Our A-frames and banners are positioned perfectly, but there's something missing.

"Nessa, did you hear me?"


Jenny shakes her head. "You're already in work mode, aren't you?" She pulls the door open for us to walk in and I make another note to contact the scent vendor to have them install their air fresheners in the lobby and in each of the floors.

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