26. The Ugly Truth

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Vanessa, what did you do?

My heart rate and breathing are finally slowing down, but my hands are still shaking.

I quit my job.

Stepping out of the cab after paying my fare, I realize I left my car in the parking garage of the corporate office building in my rush to leave—to get away from Gabriel.

I quit my job.

The conversation with Jaqueline replays in my mind, where she informed me of my relocating to another property, while he would be taking over the lease up at 501 Landing.

I quit my job.

Jaqueline initially laughed when I responded to her asking if I had any questions with: "I quit." But when I stood and started to make my way out of her office she realized I wasn't kidding.

"Vanessa, I know emotions can run high when changes need to be made," she stated, attempting to gain control of the situation, but I was done. Not only was I reeling from actualization of Gabriel's deception and betrayal but also the disloyalty of the company I had worked my ass off for the last seven years.

"I'll just need to pick up a few things from the office, you can your mole monitor me to ensure I don't take company property." I told her as I stepped out into the hallway. Jaqueline scurried behind me, muttering for me to stop.

And then I snapped.

"Stop?" I repeated. Facing her, I started chuckling. "You have the audacity to ask me to stop?" Jaqueline's response was only to blink at me. "After seven years, you not only accept rumors about me without question, but you pull me from a project when we hit a dry spell just like that?"

We garnered some attention from some of the other workers in their respective offices, including Savannah and Trent. Jaqueline smiled, looking around us and smoothed her hands down her pant suit blazer. She leaned in to me, "Vanessa, let's talk more privately in my office shall we?"

"I don't think you heard me before. There's no need for us to talk privately. I quit."

Savannah approached us then. "Vanessa, there's no need to make a scene, dear. I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding." She gave Jaqueline a look, but I was too far gone at that point.

"I understand perfectly," I replied. "You know, I looked up to you both when I first started at Emerald. After my awful start with Thompson & Thompson, I thought I found a company where I could learn and grow from two powerful women I aspired to be like." I took a deep breath in order to stay in control.

"Well," I inhaled in and then exhaled with a shrug. "You live and learn."

"At least consider giving us two weeks, Vanessa," Jaqueline requested.

I shook my head. "No, I don't think I will. I don't owe you anything, just as you all have shown me the same courtesy."

Savannah's attempts to hear her out and return to her office fell on deaf ears. Mostly, because I couldn't hear anything past my thundering heart, until I ran into Gabriel in the lobby of the building.

Blinking out of the memory, I straighten my shoulders and walk in through the front doors of the property I no longer manage after five months. Gary and Jake are on ladders replacing flood lights that are out in the lobby. They both turn toward Jenny, who rushes out of the leasing office, panic all over her face.

"Jaqueline and Savannah have been trying to reach you. What is going on?"

My hardened gaze travels over my—the staff. "They didn't share the exciting news?"

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