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"Would you fasten up a little, Manav? I've got a ceremony!" shouted Daniel Stapleton to the A.I. A thirty-year-old man he was, with brown hair, a good personality, with talkative aspects, classifying him as an extrovert. In his big and shiny white-coloured automated Limousine, Mr Stapleton was on his way to one of the most unique ceremonies in the world. The Crime Investigation Group, better known as the C.I.G., was a well-renowned investigation society with its headquarters based in India and had accepted Mr Stapleton as its CEO. Working previously as a senior investigator at the agency and now being promoted, at last, was nothing less than being on cloud nine. "Finally, after so much hard work, I will now be acknowledged worldwide. Being an investigator is far creepier than being a CEO of an investigation society."

The excitement arrived for Daniel after he heard the voice, "We have reached, Master Daniel."

The day was 27th December, a day of unusual joy among the people. The headquarters of the CIG was twinkling, like a bright star in the evening sky. This was the first time it was doing something like this. It surprised many people to whom it was known as a resilient centre. But the company itself was excited about the appointment of a new head.

Wearing his black shoes with the same-coloured suit, Daniel Stapleton walked in style out of his car but was amazed to watch the vast sky, full of colours and sparkles from the fireworks. People were shouting badly to get his autograph!

There were tons of photographers and live broadcasters from around the world, recording every moment for the world to see. "There's our new CEO!", "I heard that he is the most trustable person in the CIG!" Despite being distracted by these voices, he could hear someone calling him. The voice was familiar. It was none other than the previous CEO, Goder Frank.

"Ay! What's up, Daniel? I bet everyone likes having you more than me! But if you need any help regarding investigation matters, then don't forget to discuss it with this old friend!" greeted Goder.

"Of course, it would be an honour, Sir Goder. I do want to discuss the recent sightings—"

"Hah. Leave all the tension today! Focus on enjoying this ceremony. We've got food and drinks waiting for us!

He dragged Daniel inside the building.

Decorations were minimal compared to the outside, as you would expect from a significant and serious society. "What drink would you like to have, Sir? We have many types of wines, or simply anything you would like." asked the waiter. " wine, probably?" requested Goder. The waiter nodded and turned around to fetch the order. It wasn't long before the unique smell of the wine drove away Daniel's mind, making him mesmerised by the party. After eating to their full heart, it was time for the speech, as said by the conductor. Everyone was a little bit drowsy though. Daniel, who was drunk, somehow managed to get ready. But it didn't look quite good for him.

Goder went to the stage and gave his retirement speech. And with that speech, the loud applause transformed into an emotional atmosphere. Not until, "Now, I would like to invite our new CEO, Daniel Stapleton, on the stage and say a few words. Please welcome him with a round of applause!" Daniel tried his best to keep his control but had gotten too drunk. But the audience wasn't much focused on the behaviour of Daniel. "*Hic* It was certainly a–*Hic* great time having Sir Goder Frank as our *Hic* CEO. *Ahem* I know that I might not be able to become as great as him, but I am sure that I can always *Hic* help society which is my sole reason. And for that, *Hic* we, and our parent organization..."

"Alright, boss. The target's right below me. I'm unnoticed. Yes, I understand." someone whispered to his phone. As Daniel was giving his speech, an expected thing happened that was common during big and international speeches. A person was sitting quietly for the past half an hour on the ceiling of the stage. Waiting for a specific moment probably. He had dressed in an odd fashion having worn royal clothes of red and gold, with a mask on his face. It had an imprint of ancient times. Behind his back was an old and rusted sniper rifle. It was clear. Death would be inevitable.

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