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"If it isn't the F.S.A.I.B. You sure took your time," said Mr Yong Ling, the Chairman of the highest militant power, the F.S.A.C.B. (Federation of Supreme Agents - Chinese Branch).

"And, what's Carlson doing here? This should be known that this meeting is only for the Chairmen, Tieron's son," said Hana Wing, the Chairman of the most advanced, and newly formed, F.S.A.J.B. (Federation of Supreme Agents - Japanese Branch).

"Most importantly, everyone knows why Jash Rades has called this meeting for. After all, this meeting shall decide, humanity's fate," explained Tieron, the Chairman of the most powerful agents, the F.S.A.I.B. (Federation of Supreme Agents - Indian Branch)

Jash said, "That is right. Carlson is directly in charge of the agents and shall accompany our plan, to dominate Mr... Mysterious. Now then, shall we begin?"

"What is the composition of India's military?" asked Hana.

"667 million. Comprising of 398 million highly trained soldiers, and rest 269 million refugees as soldiers," replied Carlson.

"It is more than enough. Just what I'd expect from India's huge population, which is comprising that. We too are along with 278 million, which comprises 167 million highly trained professionals, and 137 million refugees as soldiers."

After China too declared its composition, Yong asked Tieron,

"So, what you've been up to, Tieron?"

Tieron explained, "Well since Mr Mysterious had originated from India, we already started the investigation with the command taken by my son Jash Rades, the Uldentra. He shall explain the reports."

"This meeting's motive was that only. Now, I shall begin. According to the recent attacks on me, and due to the unusual powers being witnessed by numerous persons, it is safe to say that he either has an exponentially advanced weapon, or it is unknown to us." said Jash.

Hana quickly asked Jash, "Would it be more advanced than us? What is it?"

"It may indeed be more powerful than yours, Queen Hana Wing. The weapon has the look of an ancient royal knife. I doubt it is in its original form. I do know some of its powers, which I shall explain. The first power which I came to know, is the power to generate a massive amount of energy, and use it as an explosion. By the looks of it, the explosion which I encountered was just a small part of it. Through the investigation done by Ian Softlase, my assistant, the actual explosion power of the weapon may even be greater than the advanced nuclear bombs. The second power is teleportation. I am aware that Japan is still working on this ability, but it seems to have already come to us. The power, as the name and the witness Goder Frank, a former CEO of the CIG suggested, can teleport an entity. This must also be the reason for how he immediately reached other countries and destroyed them. The last power which I'm aware of recently is the power to control people. The power seems to be activated like hypnosis, by speaking the command and holding the knife. It has a certain radius of 500 metres since my team who was just out of this radius wasn't affected at all. It can be broken by knocking the person out, and then waking him up."

"The F.S.A.I.B. does indeed have the best agents, I must say," said Hana.

"Jash. Are you serious about this? Controlling people, power even greater than our nukes... eh?" said Yong in distrust.

"It's reliable information. And if you do not wish your country's existence to be erased by that person, you are bound to follow this intel," said Jash.

"Enough! Yong, don't forget that we are the only countries left. We can only think out of the box."

"Hmph! You're still the same as ever. Commanding and lecturing. Is there anything else, Jash?"

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