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Langton was roaming around, bored.

Following the plan, he was ordered by Jash to have a rough check on the City of the Ancients. They, being arrived, started their backup plan, and made their soldiers ascend onto the helicopter, getting away at least 500 metres. And for safety purposes, Jash took a few soldiers with him.

Meanwhile, Langton was in a different state. He didn't want to check the shops, even if that was the last thing. The street was completely empty. And the lights were not working. But the Ziggurats, the step-pyramids, made in the Mesopotamian period, were now blinking which made Langton kind of able to distinguish, to not run into something undesirable. He managed to picture an imaginary map of the city. But he wasn't gonna check everything though, he was intensively craving some entertainment.

Trying to follow the barely lit-up roads, which were already turning dark as he moved forward, he eventually reached an abandoned place, but the truth was the contrast. With a mansion at its centre, cornered by huge walls and security guards. Overprotective, don't you think? The same Langton had thought. "That's some heck of protection! Who is he? Some official or somethin'? But anyway, it wouldn't hurt to peek a bit, right?" said Langton, forming a good excuse to have a look.

Just as he had expected. It was a place of a high official in the city. So having a peek wouldn't be appropriate. "I need to know all about this. It will surely serve as good intel for Jash."

He took a closer look at the place. He felt relieved that he'd done this sooner. "Watch towers are here too?! Am I stupid? I was to be suspected right away." He took cover and stood right below the towers. "I don't know how to get in but... Let's just do it my way. No need to take help from the rest."

This was where the load-outs had their show.

A custom-made Infinity Revolver and an FSA-45 Tactical Pistol, a blade, some energy extracts to power up the guns, and just the things an assassin would need. But he was extremely excited to use the newly installed device, in the FSA. It was the Voice-Changer. Only being handled by the assassins, this device could imitate the voice of any person. "This might save my back." thought Langton. He was ready with the custom-made equipment, but now the thing he was worried about, was serious. How to pass the security check? How to get in with the weapons, undetectably? These questions were roaming around in Langton's mind.

"I don't think I can think, like Jash. So, again, I should think my way." thought Langton.

He pretended to fall near a tree. Like a drunkard. One of the guards came to have a look. His plan worked. A hard hit came at the head of the guard and he instantly fainted. Langton disguised himself, as a guard. And now the job was easy since the guards were allowed to have weaponry. Now he was completely ready, to infiltrate the place. He met with the other guard.

"So? Anything to be wary of?" asked the guard.

Langton, who had already used the voice-changing device, replied with the exact voice of the guard he had killed.

"Well, I had thought it would be drunkard, though that dog really surprised me. Probably lost, nothing interesting," replied Langton.

"Good to know."

"Oh, right. I got the package for the boss. Shall I deliver right now or... later?"

"Are you sure?"


"There's no way you could've forgotten that... You damn BETRAY–"

Langton knew this could happen. He shot him before he could completely shout. Then dragged him away from the towers near the bushes, and quickly rushed his way into the mansion. His cover had already been blown right now, and he could not afford another. This was the last chance he had. Another mistake, and only escaping would be favoured. He looked in that mansion, going upstairs and freely scanning the information, until of course, another one of the guards had to become suspicious of him. Which is why he had to eliminate him. And his silenced pistol would do just the thing. He shot him in a corner and hid him in the laundry. But he was unaware, of the alarm that action had triggered. All the forces assembled and cornered him. "It'd be better if you surrender, right now. We would just give jail, instead of killing you–"

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