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Jash planned to investigate a destroyed computer which only had been stabbed one time. And it didn't have that much damage. He thought for a while and looked inside the computer. The weapon had been stabbed at the centre of the computer. He summoned Langton and asked him to cut the computer in half so that the shape of the hole's cavity, which has been made by the weapon is visible. Jash thought, "This hole does resemble a knife. I wonder which knife is being used... would help a ton." Langton got happy, "Finally! I thought I will not have any chance of using that katana... just a moment, Jash."

While all this was happening, Carlson had ordered to secure all the borders of the country going a bit overboard, since most of the Government Military had been wiped out. Out of the 6 surviving countries, there were mainly three major countries that were being protected by the FSA, including the Indian - Branch.

"Вы хотите денег? Я могу дать вам много этого! Но Mr Mysterious, пожалуйста, пощади мою жизнь–"


And a knife pierced through his head. These were the last words of the President of Russia (one of the three countries out of six which were not protected by the FSA). There are numerous refugees from the lost countries. "Our land's demolished! We can't end up in this doomed country...!" said one of the refugees. Carlson took advantage of that and took help from those refugees from all the countries which were now under the control of Mr Mysterious. With the allies, the power of India numbered up to a staggering 667 million, Forty-Wards were made all around the borders of their country, for protection. India was the most heavily guarded country by the FSA, with itself being protected by the most powerful ward, the Ward-One, with around 73 million soldiers protecting the HQ of the FSA.

Though, Carlson was still doubting the other FSA agencies of the remaining countries. He had to contact them.

"This is Edward Collins, from the F.S.A.A.K.B. (Federation of the Supreme Agents - American Kingdom Branch)." said the receiver.

"Good to see you still alive. And what's with that long title? FSAAKB?" asked Carlson.

"Your short title sure says that you have short motives. And, actually, the United Kingdom, as you know, is under the control of Mr Mysterious. But of course, the important ones have come here to have my help. And now I am the one controlling the combined FSA's of the U.S.A. and the U.K."

"That's quite a cliché. But I acknowledge you."

"Haha. Don't worry, Carlson. Yours will be mine soon. Oh yes, I hope you have the info?"

"Of course. But by the way, how's your, country doing?"

"Wrong question! You should ask how my country is losing!"

"What seems to be the matter?"

"Who the heck is this Mr Mysterious? What type of technology does he even have?! One of my 200 million soldiers barely lived through his attacks!"

"It seems that your country's too elite, Edward. I don't understand the need for that info."

"My bad, Carlson! But since I'll be the one to kill him, I am required to have that information of yours. And of course, I have the $700 Billion ready, so..."

"Now we're talking. Here's what I can tell you."

Carlson gave him some intel.

While Langton was finding and coming with his Katana, Jash remembered something and pulled out his phone to call the General of Ward-Six of the FSA.

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