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A book based on:

All the stars, Kendrick Lamar & SZA  🎵🎧


Y/n Y/l/n was an average student attending Jackson university studying English literature, a quiet and reserved scholar she gravitated towards her small group of friends; Dina, Jesse and a few others who came and went. Ellie Williams, the campus dealer, studying Aerospace engineering, like Y/n; stuck around her few friends and dealt her stash with caution, she was also friends with Dina, so much so that they shared an on - campus apartment. However, when Y/n visited her friend She never crossed paths with the local dealer.

'Hey Dina, mind if i come over :)', You texted, patiently awaiting a response.

'Sure, Ellie's not here, but jesse is :(', Dina jokingly replied, giving you the all clear to start walking the usual 10 minute brisk stroll to her apartment. 

The sun's beams glowed on your skin, reminding you that the winter months are coming to and end and spring is near, finally. The winter was long, cold (obviously) and lonely, you already found winter one of the shittiest months of the year and with no girl to cuddle up with, even worse. 

You arrived at Dina's, not bothering to knock as they knew you were coming sooner or later. "Hi guys", You announced your arrival, kicking off your converse, making sure to place them away from Ellie's collection otherwise they'd get lost. You'd never really met Ellie, she sure as hell didn't know your name and you'd only ever brushed past her in the halls, jogging to your very different classes, you didn't even know her eye colour, they could be blue or brown or fucking yellow for all you knew. Point is, you don't know Ellie, you don't care to know Ellie maybe if on the rare occasion you chose to buy drugs you'd go to her. Thats it. Nothing else. 

"Hey Y/n", Dina and Jesse called out from Dina's room. "Y'all better not be doing anything when I come in there", You state, cautiously turning your head around the door frame. "We're not!", They shot in union as you walk in, Jesse lying on the floor, playing his nintendo switch whilst Dina sat legs crossed on her bed catching up on some homework. "Whatcha playin'?", You ask Jesse perching next to Dina on her bed. "The usual", Jesse replied, not even turning his head to look at you. "You're so obsessed with that... uh-", You added, turning to Dina for the game title. "Pokémon Go", Dina smiled, smacking her pen on her page. You and Dina are both majoring in English Lit thats how you became friends, big lecture hall not many students you two were bound to start befriending each other sometime or another. "Mr Johnson sucks ass", Dina sighed, throwing her head back at the tedious question. "I haven't even done that yet", You chuckled. "You need to hurry the fuck up then, It's due Tuesday", Dina advised, returning her face back into her book. "Shit really!?", You exclaimed, questioning the due date. You had never really cared for your grades but still managed to get straight As, how? You didnt know. To keep up the grades required homework due on time, and god forbid you didn't, you'd automatically fail, he seriously had you questioning whether to switch majors. 

"From what I've heard he sounds like a dick", Jesse disclosed, setting aside his console as he sat up. "For real", You and Dina scoffed simultaneously. "He's real homophobic too", You declared. "Since when!?", Jesse asked, begging for the gossip. You were outed to a select few, not wanting to deal with any slurs being targeted towards you like the other LGBT students, frankly, It was quite upsetting how desolated the once - bustling university where your parents attended was becoming. "He said the D word when reading a novel, didn't he Di?", You remark, nudging Dina's approval to state the facts. "Mhm", She nods, focusing on her work. "Fuckkkk", He purses his lips into a straight line. "Oh anyway!", You perk up, "Do you guys know any good dealers 'round campus?" "Oh I dunno, my roommate!?", Dina says sarcastically. "Yeah but, other than Ellie", You chimed. "Nah, sorry to let you down, their all dickheads", Jesse affirmed, revolving back to his game. "I don't know why you can't just ask Ellie, she's cool", Dina suggested, scribbling down notes. You sighed, "I don't want her to feel like I'm using the fact I'm friends with you to get drugs". "She doesn't give a shit, honestly", Jesse interrupted, "As long as she gets the money she's fine". "But you've said before she's really picky about who deals to", You claim. "Yeah, but if we give her the green light it's fine", Dina drawled, "You know where she lives so... Whats stopping you?"


You prepared for the departure from your friend's house, slinging your jacket around your back, slipping your arms through, "I'll see you guys later!", You shouted, opening the door. "Byeee!"

The nightfall had welcomed a new chill, regretting not bringing warmer clothes you hugged your sides in attempts to warm yourself up for the journey home. The cold nipped at your hands and cheeks as you sped up your pace to your apartment. 

"Fuck", You whispered, hands shivering as you struggled to enter the key into your door. "Ah", You sighed with relief stumbling into your dimly - lit space. 

"I'll make time to see Ellie tomorrow", You thought to yourself, locking your door. 

All The stars ☆ - Ellie Williams x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now