𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓 - 𝐢𝐢

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"UGH", YOU GROANED, Smacking your phone off your nightstand causing a thud to echo through your room, the annoying default alarm still playing. The beams of sunlight protruded through the slits in your blinds, giving it an entry to yours eyes, awakening you. Lazily, you pulled your duvet off and headed to your kitchen, stretching out your arms as you did so. Your notebook and textbooks were stacked on your coffee table, the pages still open from your late - night study session from the previous night, you added water and coffee to the machine and placed bread in your Jackson - University toaster, observing the clear sky and blossoming vegetation that presented themselves outside. "pop", your toaster popped, startling you as you plodded to the fridge, grabbing some butter. 

You sat in your kitchen (as your living room was far too messy to be, well, living in it) enjoying your basic breakfast as you remembered your plan to meet Ellie today, you'd never talked to before and you were already quite shy so this was a first, you knew of her fiery persona but she was only like that when necessary, Dina said she was 'cool'. 


I threw on a flannel, grabbed my textbooks, threw on some converse and boom! I was ready to leave for my morning classes. Entering the key into the hole, I heard Dina say groggily, "Hey, el". "Yeah", I replied, turning around to face her sleepy - state. "Shit, I forgot, but I'll text you when I remember, have a good day!", She smiled, waving as I left our apartment. 


You shoved on some retro NB's and a jacket before heading out to your morning classes, which if you didn't hurry up you were going to be late for. 

Looking at your phone, you noticed the time, "shit", you began to jog to class, it wasn't unusual for you to make it in barely on time, but nevertheless, still on time. Unaware, you bumped into an unsuspecting person's shoulder, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry", You exclaimed, apologetically. "Watch it next time.", The person chuckled, you couldn't tell if it was jokingly or more of a scoff.

"Good morning Y/n, I see, 2 minutes late", The lecturer inspected. "I'm so so so sorry, I just-". "It doesn't matter, sit down", He instructed carelessly as you sat down next to Dina. "Hey", She whispered over the man. "Hey", you whispered back, pulling out your pencil case and a few books from your backpack placed beside you. Dina pulled out her phone and began texting, her thumbs moving rapidly from letter to letter on the keyboard.


'hey' , I texted to Ellie.

'what, I'm in class?'

'I remembered what i was gonna say before....'

'go ahead'

'I told my friend, Y/n, that you would sell to her'


'awh come on dont be a tight ass. she's cool'

'...and pretty'

'fine if you'll shut up'


"psst", Dina uttered, leaning towards your ear. "Yeah", You mumbled back, "Ellie said she'd sell to you, come over tonight, I won't be there though so please get along", She stated, leaning back as the teacher glanced at her. You nodded in response, jotting down notes swiftly. 


Unfortunately, You and Dina didn't share any more classes, therefore, leaving you all alone, with no friends as Jesse was working today. "Bye Dina!", You smiled, waving goodbye to your friend, preparing yourself for the lonely day ahead.  Strolling to the cafeteria, you popped you air pods in and cheered yourself up by listening to your favourite music. You'd always loved music, your entire apartment had band posters stuck all around, the kitchen, the living room, even one in the bathroom, So it was safe to say music was an easy way to brighten up your day. You grabbed a soda, salad , some pudding and lead yourself to the outside diner, you wanted to make the most of the weather even though you still had three more months of Spring AND summer on the way. Calmly, you watched as other clusters of students passed by, some in huge groups, some going solo. You finished your food, tossing the little waste into the trash can and headed back to your apartment for a one hour break you'd been graced with. 


Forcefully, you shoved your door open with your shoulder, barricaded with your shoes. "Fuck, I need to clean", you chuckled, stumbling over them, grabbing your homework before waking your way back to main campus to finish off any excess work yesterday's tired self probably forgot about. 


The bell rang and you folded up all your books and crammed them inside your scarce - for - space backpack. Your trek turned into a sprint as you counted down the minutes until your next lecture would start, "3 minutes and 48, 47, 46". Hurriedly, You pushed open the doors to your building, barging past the crowds of people who, seemingly, were doing absolutely nothing, "2 minutes and 34, 33, 32". You stumbled through the door frame of your next lecture, fumbling up the steps to get to your preferred back row seat. "Afternoon Y/n", Your lecturer smiled, licking the tips of his fingers and flicking between pages of his novel, "Afternoon", You replied, removing your air pods and fixing your half - assed ponytail. Students began flooding through the doors as the second bell rang, 'survival of the fittest', you called it when your fellow classmates rushed in like that (which they do almost every day, not being as prepared as you). "Can everyone please turn to page 53", The lecturer announced, showcasing his book, Beowulf, Seamus Heaney. 


You sighed, your body sinking in to the couch beneath you, "Ellie", You remembered, arising from your brief rest. Your body shivered as the coldness of the hallway gripped at your skin. You were hopeful that Ellie would be somewhat nice, you knew she was day, everyone knew. She'd always make comments to chicks in the hallway like 'nice ass', her gritty but feminine voice, exciting you, you'd never got a good luck at her face, but you knew she wasn't gonna be ugly, hot? Maybe. 


You reached up your wrist, knocking gently but firmly against the hardwood door with a whiteboard reading; 'fuck off' (Which Ellie probably wrote) against it. Within 2 seconds she opened the door revealing her face which you could finally get a good look at; beautiful emerald eyes, cute freckles dotted aimlessly, her auburn hair tied in a half - up - half - down do, tiny bits of hair framing her face. She rubbed her neck, "Hey". "Hey", You smiled back, watching as she just stood there, "Can I come in or-". "Oh yeah sorry", She chuckled, nervously, "I'm Ellie".  "Im Y/n, Dina's 'shy' friend", You introduced, quoting everyone's adjective for you. "Ha, I can tell", She stated. "What, how?", You folded your arms in 'offence'. "Your body language, It's so... Inward". 

"Anyway, What do you want?", She asked, shrugging her shoulders as to your exact purpose of visit. "Do you have any... I dunno, Bubba Kush?", You asked, not hesitating with your favourite type of weed. "Sure", She reported dryly, trudging over to her room. 'shit, what do i do?', You thought to yourself. "ONE SECOND!", She strained. Ambling over to her room, you observed the cleanliness of their apartment, probably thanks to Dina, "Here", She handed it to you. "Thank you", You smiled, grabbing it out of her hand. "Take my number too, In case y 'know , you wanna ask me to smoke", She suggested, writing her number down on a loose piece of paper, "Or I just want weed", You joked, finishing her sentence. "Or you just want weed", She drawled, repeating your phrase. 

She opened the door for you, seeing you out until you stopped in your tracks, "Fuck, I didn't pay", You uttered to yourself, dashing back to hers. You reached up your knuckle to knock again, this time with more urgency. "Fancy seeing you again", She scoffed, taking a drag of her joint. "I uh- forgot to pay", You squinted, dreading her response. "It doesn't matter, newcomers discount", She smirked. 


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