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"WHO DID THIS to you?", You asked softly, trudging over to the girl. Silence filled the area with the absence of her reply. "Don't make me repeat myself", You voiced, your tone barely a whisper as you tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "That asshole I just knocked out", Ellie croaked, her eyes glued to the floor. "Look at me", You commanded, lifting her chin. "Who else?", You grilled, furiously, "I know it'd take a lot o' guys to do that to you, El." "Fuck, Why do you care?", Ellie catechized, "You for sure didn't give a shit about me before when you left to smoke with that girl". You scoffed, "You can't be fucking serious." "I have every right to be! I don't get handed weed on a silver platter, I pay for that shit!", She exclaimed, expressing her anger through her hand movements. "I know that this isn't about weed, Ellie", You explained. "Well, I don't have anything else to be mad about, so yeah, this is about drugs", She objected, irritation lacing her features. "So because you're pissed at me, you beat up those guys?", You inquired, noticing flaws in her narrative. "Fucking come on", She sighed, "There's no winning with you, there always has to be some sort of issu-". You cut her off, "I'm not listening to your bullshit, you're coming with me and I'm getting that blood off your face, even if it means pinning you down". You grabbed her hand, transporting her to your apartment.

 "Y'know, you still haven't told me why you got into that fight", You broke the silence, intertwining your fingers with hers. Blush painted the girls cheeks, "Uh - I uh", She stuttered, causing you to chuckle. "They were just shit talking I guess", Ellie claimed, her eyes dropping to the floor with embarrassment. "About what?", You questioned, "Huh?", She hummed. "I mean, what were they shit talking about?" "Uh... You", She replied, awkwardly, her body tensing up with her words. "You did that for me?", You asked, in shock of her sudden kindness. "Yeah, why wouldn't I, we're cool", She claimed. 


Your eyes darted around the dimly - lit hallway, scanning the dark wood doors for your apartment number, you were met with a whiteboard with the words 'fuck off!' written in your neat handwriting, presuming it was your unit. "Nice", Ellie bobbed her head nervously, signalling to the message on your door. "For real", You replied bluntly, searching your bag for your keys. You inserted the metal into the keyhole and nudged the door with your shoulder. "Excuse the mess", You sighed, beholding the mess ahead of you. "It's fine, mine's worse", She responded nonchalantly. You carefully navigated your way over the disarrayed almond - colored floor. You rushed into your bathroom, shutting the door behind you. "Shit, shit, shit", You whispered, fixing your hair in the mirror. "You okay?", Ellie knocked, her voice being muffled by the structure separating the two of you. "Yeah, Just give me two seconds!", You blurted, forcing open the cabinet under the sink. 'Where the fuck is it', You thought to yourself.

All The stars ☆ - Ellie Williams x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now