Chapter seven

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“So, why didn’t you answer my call earlier?” a red haired girl licked her lips while pushing the boy softly to fall on the bed. She climbed on top of him and licked his face softly, “do you know how much I have been missing you?” her hand slowly went down his chest to his groin.
Sean sighed and grabbed her hand to stop her, “Monica, please, I’m really not in the mood for this.”
Monica looked up at him with a frown, “what is wrong Sean, first you refused to answer to my mating call, then you didn’t answer your phone. And now I’m here, you still don’t want to look at me.”
“I’m sorry okay, I just have a lot in my mind right now,” he tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear and made her sit up on his lap while he sat up as well. “I just don’t know what is taking her so long. She should have been back by now.”
“God, don’t tell me that this is about Aliyah again. Sean, I’m your mate, I’m the one you should be worried about not her!”
“I know, I know, okay and I worry about you, I love you. But Aliyah is my sister, if I don’t worry about her who will?”
“You are not blood related you know?” she hissed.
Sean rolled his eyes, “you know what I’m talking about.”
‘Sean, do you know where Aliyah is?’ Aton’s voice came through the mind link.
“Shh,” Sean interrupted Monica.
“Hey,” she pouted angrily, “why would you…”
“Answer Sean!’ Aton asked, his voice sounded urgent.
“I said quiet,” Sean ordered Monica and she pouted and climbed down from him. ‘No, why?’ he replied to his dad.
‘Are you sure son? Alpha is looking for her and he is pretty pissed. Do you have a better excuse tonight?’
‘If you know where she is, better tell me right now before we get there.’
‘Wait, get where?’
“We are on our way home and from the looks of it, he would be going straight to your room.’
“Fuck,” Sean cursed and climbed out of the bed quickly and moved his hand around as if to arrange his room. When he saw there was nothing to arrange, he cursed again and ran his fingers through his hair.
“What is it?” Monica asked, seeing that the situation was serious.
“Alpha is on his way here.”
“What, why?”
“He is looking for Aliyah.”
“My God, I told you this would get you into trouble one day, now do you believe me?” she clapped her hands as she started pacing around the room. “Well, you will just tell him where she is that’s all.”
“I can’t.”
“What? Why? Sean, this is the alpha we are talking about here. You can’t lie to him straight in the face when he knows Aliyah is missing.”
‘Sean, you better be presentable by the time I get to your room’ a voice thundered through the mind link and he shivered involuntarily.
“What happened?” Monica asked seeing his reaction.
“He just contacted me and he sounded angry,” Sean replied, pacing around his room.
“Fuck Sean, Alpha Alan can’t be reasoned with when angry, everyone knows that.”
“Calm down Monica, I need to think.”
“Don’t tell me that you are trying to come up with an excuse. Sean, you are going to get yourself killed one day because of this. I’m not ready to lose my mate okay, and certainly not in the hands of our Alpha,” Monica said almost tearing up.
“Hey hey,” he rushed to her and wiped away the lone tear that trailed down her cheek, “nothing is going to happen okay. I will be fine,” he kissed her forehead, “I will be…” the door was suddenly kicked open and two men stood by it; one his father and the other, the really dangerous looking Alpha. He gulped and immediately bowed to him, “Alpha Alan.”
“Where is she?” Alan asked.
“She…” he stopped, all the excuses he had come up with had suddenly left his mind.
Alan was before him in the blink of an eye, “don’t bother thinking of lying to me tonight Sean, I have checked everywhere before coming to you. And do you know why I am suddenly looking for her? I can’t feel her mind link. I can feel every other wolf, both old and weak but not her, I can’t sense her. So you better tell me where she is right now.”
“But Alpha…I-I don’t know,” he replied, fear clouding his eyes but he refused to betray his sister.
Alan grunted in annoyance and turned to Aton, “Aton…”
“Calm down Alpha,” Aton rushed to say and then to his son, he pleaded, “Sean please, this is serious. If the Alpha can’t feel her link, it means she is in danger or wounded. So before the link snaps, let’s do what we can.”
“But…I really don’t…” Sean gulped, “know,” he glanced at Alan, “Alpha I...”
“If something happens to her and I found out that you would have prevented it by telling us what you know in time, I can’t even begin to think of what I will do to you but just know that it would be your worst nightmare,” Alan gritted and he gulped in fear. “Do you have any idea what it means when an Alpha can’t feel a wolf’s link, huh?” he grabbed his neck and held tightly, choking him.
“Alpha please,” Monica rushed to his front, “please Alpha, we will find her and she will be okay. But if you hurt Sean, you will not only render me without a mate but you will prevent the pack from having a future beta. Please Alpha.”
Aton closed his eyes and heaved a sigh, he will also be rendered without a son but he dared not voice that out. He walked up to Alan and bowed, “Alpha please, perhaps if we organize a search party, we can find her before dawn.”
Alan stared at the fearful eyes of Sean and then the crying one of Monica, he heaved a sigh and let go of him, “pray we find her unscathed and that you really have no idea where she went because if I found out that you did and something happened to her…” he growled and stormed out of the room.
Sean heaved a sigh of relief and glanced at his father who just shook his head and followed the alpha out. Just then his mother rushed in and hugged him, “you are okay?” she asked.
“I’m fine Mom,” he whispered.
“Sean,” Emily looked at him, “if an Alpha can’t feel a link, it means a lot of dangerous things, you wouldn’t be protecting Aliyah if you lead her to her death. It’s better to be safe than sorry. I know how you protect her every night and trust me when I say the alpha does too but this night is serious. Think about this, it’s the middle of the night with vampires swarming around everywhere, what do you think would happen if they should chance upon a lone wolf, a female at that matter.”
Sean closed his eyes, he knew what she said was true and the fact Aliyah went to the human world and alone, what could really have happened? She goes out every night and the alpha has never complained not to feel her link, what if she is really in danger? He heaved a sigh and opened his eyes, taking a decision immediately. “Monica, stay here with Mom,” he said and ran out of his room. He met his dad and the Alpha in the square where they were selecting the strongest wolves to go for the search party. “Alpha,” he called and when Alan turned to him, he went on his knees immediately, “forgive me Alpha for I have wronged you.”
“Tell me where she is if you know,” Alan ordered.
Sean closed his eyes, ‘I’m sorry Ali but I have no choice,’ he said through the mind link but it bounced back just like the Alpha had said. “She went to the human realm.”
“What?” Aton and Alan shouted at the same time. Alan grabbed Sean by the neck again, his eyes red with rage, “how long ago?”
“Five hours,” Sean squeaked out, searching for air.
Alan growled and slammed him on the car parked closed by, denting the car heavily with his weight. “Let’s go, I will lead the search myself,” he growled.
“I will come with you,” Aton offered.
“No, I need you to stay and look after the pack incase anything happens while I’m gone.”
“Yes, Alpha,” Aton nodded.
Sean got up from the car and went on his knees again, “if pardoned Alpha, I will like to join the search.”
Alan glanced at his slightly paled face and his injured lips, “you are wounded, what can you do?”
“Whatever Alpha, even if it means giving my life.”
Aton almost took a step to intercede but he stopped himself. Alan sighed, “if you are trying to do it to get me to forgive you, wait till you are heeled first.”
“I’m fine Alpha, please, I really want to join and find her. This is just a scratch; my ribs would set themselves before we get to the human realm.”
Alan sighed and nodded, “fine then. Let’s go wolves, let’s get one of us back home.” He shouted and everyone responded by shape shifting immediately. With a loud howl from Alan, they all howled and followed him out of the huge gates in speed.

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