Chapter forty nine

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Rasmus stared at the girl that was sitting on the couch clutching onto his master's coat that she was wearing. He sighed and his eyes went to the mark on her neck. He had seen it a dozen times now but every single time still felt like the first time and comes as a shock. He still couldn't believe that his master has found his mate at long last and it was a howler, the very creature he hates the most.

He sighed and withdrew his gaze, standing in his position as he waits for what she would order from him. His Prince has left over an hour ago and he didn't tell him where he was going only that he should watch over her and provide her with every need she demands from him. He let his gaze wander on her again, she looked so young, maybe seventeen or nineteen tops. Just how did it happen, he was dying to know, however, he could remember his prince's order not to question her about anything.

A soft rumbling, although as silent as it was made him look at her then, she gulped and pretended like the noise wasn't coming from her stomach. He sighed and finally brought himself to ask after keeping silent for over an hour. "Are you hungry?" it was a question but he figures the prince won't mind that he asked it.

"Um..." Aliyah cleared her throat, "actually, I am a little hungry."

"We don't have any food here."

"Oh," she nodded, "okay." Of course they don't, what did she expect? That he would show a refrigerator filled with all she could ever ask for? They are blood suckers for Christ sake, if there is going to be a refrigerator, it will be filled with frozen blood.

Rasmus watched her, she was pretty calmed if you ask him and certainly not demanding. That was the first words she had said to him since he met her in the house. He knew he must do something, he doesn't know how to cook, obviously and he has never found the need to learn anything culinary and never thought he would ever need it but he guess he must find something for her to eat now and be fast about it. "Well, I can get you something. Can you cook?"

"Of course," Aliyah answered, hope finally shining in her eyes that she won't be starving to death.

"Well, which animal do you want?"


"Yes. I would go hunt one down and you can cook it or something to eat."

"Do you have any utensils?"

"Are you trying to make a joke?" Rasmus raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry," Aliyah gulped and looked down at her folded hands. There was no need for the hope, now she knows. Finally, the front door opened and Edward stood in front of it. Her eyes shone in happiness and she let out a sigh of relief, finally, she thought as she stood up immediately.

Edward's gaze went from her to Rasmus who bowed in greeting and sensing that everything was fine, he went into the house and dropped the bags he was carrying on the table. He nodded at Aliyah, "have a look," he said.

Aliyah sniffed and moaned in satisfaction at the delicious scent and her nose was leading her right to the table before she could even take a step. She quickly tore open a bag the scent was coming from and moaned in excitement at the sight of the delicacies. She was eating before she brought herself to kneel in front of the table and devour the meal. Edward watched her with a light chuckle and Rasmus just stood aside and watched him, mesmerized at what was happening. Ever since the Prince woke up, he has not seen a smile on his face that wasn't one of taunt but now, he was actually smiling at the howler's action, a nice gentle and genuine smile. Is this a curse or a blessing?

"From now on, no one is allowed inside without my permission," Edward said in a voice so low that only Rasmus could hear.

"Yes sir, but can I ask a question?" Rasmus replied in the same tone.

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