Chapter seventy one

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Genevieve parked her black BMW in front of the castle and climbed down. She knows Edward would be mad to see her uninvited but she can’t do it anymore, she can’t pretend like she was happy by staying away. She has gone over it last night and she played her plan in mind as she walked up to the front door. She would tell him that she would reject her mate as soon as possible if only he would take her. He has to take her, he has no one. She had been listening since the blood moon night to know if he had found his mate but nothing of that news came to pass since it would have been a happy feast if the prince was to find his long-lost mate.
She pushed open the door and her eyes became vigilant immediately as she perceived the one scent, the one scent she has hated all her life. Rusty smell. Her claws elongated as she stepped into the living room, her nose sniffing around, trying to find where the smell was coming from.
Aliyah walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of hot water she wanted to use and clean Irene up. Rasmus had gone with Sean to the human realm to get some medicine with the car and the purpose of Sean was for him to walk into the pharmacy and get them since Rasmus cannot step out of the car because of the sun. Edward on the other part had decided to look for the plants Irene used to gather to treat wounds, his bet was that if the plant didn’t work, then they could use the human medicine and that left her alone in the big castle with the sleeping Irene.
She didn’t sense the attack that was coming her away until she had to dodge the attack with such speed and expertise that even her was surprised that she was able to do it and what shocked her the most was the fact that the water she was carrying didn’t as much as spill a drop. She finally woke up from her shock to see the beautiful, elegant woman dressed in black. From her paled skin, she knew what she was immediately and her heart missed a beat.
“A wolf from the alpha bloodline,” Genevieve hisses, angry that her sneak attack was dodged by a werewolf, a female young one at that. “Strange, I have always known that the alpha powers don’t transfer to the females, so how come you have it?”
“Who are you?” Aliyah asked, her eyes never leaving the striking woman.
“Although, your speed just now, it was faster than that of an alpha werewolf. It was almost like the speed of a nightwalker,” she frowned, her eyes lurked on the younger girl. “Come to think of it,” she sniffed and her frown deepened, “I can smell a faint nightwalker’s blood. That is impossible,” she almost shouted, “who are you?”
“I asked first, now you tell me who the hell you are and what you are doing here?” Aliyah asked, her stance getting ready for a fight although she could feel it in her bones that she won’t win against the woman.
Genevieve shifted her weight to one foot, not at all bothered by the threat in the girl’s voice. “You are a wonder, little wolf. You can’t be a half breed of nightwalker and night howler because no one from my kind would be stupid enough to mate with your kind and produce you. So tell me, who are you or I won’t miss the next time,” her eyes flashed red as she hissed, showing her fangs.
Aliyah started making the calculation in her mind, she doesn’t know how far Edward was and she knew she must survive till he shows up. She glanced around, searching for any weapon she could use but alas, that was her mistake because with the flay of her hair, Genevieve saw the blood red rose on her neck and she shrieked immediately, making the younger girl jump.
“Impossible,” Genevieve yelled and she was attacking the next minute, her speed so fast that Aliyah almost missed her. She was almost as fast as Edward and she knew then that she must be among the High council chief. The first thing that came to her mind was to dump the hot water she was carrying on her and Genevieve screamed as her body was scalded. Aliyah knew she has only but a few short seconds to escape before she recovered and she made her way back to the kitchen. The doors were strong enough and she hoped they wouldn’t give in until Edward arrived.
However, before she could make it to the kitchen, her path was blocked by the growling Genevieve. She watched as her scalded skin began healing and she turned sharply to escape but the woman grabbed her by the hair and flung her against the wall. Aliyah landed with a sharp pain on her body and her hand intuitively went to her belly, her first thought was the safety of her child and at that moment, she regretted not telling Edward what Irene had told her.
She saw the angry nightwalker stalking towards her and she forced herself to get up, however, Genevieve caught up once more and grabbed her by the hair again. This time, Aliyah turned very sharply in great speed and scratched her face, making the woman yell again. She tried to attack with her claws once more but Genevieve grabbed her hand, holding so tightly that blood stopped flowing there. It was almost like she wanted to snap her hand off and then her other hand was coming to her neck to strangle her. However, a force like lightening passed then, slamming Genevieve against the wall and Aliyah was cocooned in the warmest embrace.
She could feel her heart beating like a thousand drums and she closed her eyes, burrowing into the arms of the man that was holding her like she was a breakable vase. She felt his fingers caressed her face and the tears threatened to pour down like a river at thought of the near-death situation she was just in.
Genevieve walked out of the hole she had created on the wall. She cracked her neck, setting the bones in place and was almost shocked to her grave to see the man holding the girl lovingly. “Edward, what the hell are you doing? That is a night howler!”
“Shut up!” Edward warned and her lips sealed immediately. His red eyes left her then and turned blue as they settled on the girl in his arms. “You are okay now,” his voice so soft compared to the one he had used on Genevieve just now. “I’m here,” he soothed the crying girl in his arms.
“Can someone tell me what in the mood goddess name is happening here,” Genevieve asked when she couldn’t take it anymore especially when she knew Edward has never been that gentle towards her.
“What do you think is happening?” Edward asked, looking up at her then. “Shouldn’t you be more concerned on what the hell you almost did? If I had been one second late, you would have killed her!”
“Of course,” Genevieve said. “I want to kill her, for Selene’s sake, she is a night howler and she must have been stealing from you when I caught her.”
“Stealing from me? She has the right to everything here and she can take whatever she deems fit.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Edward, she scalded me with a bowl of hot water.”
“You are almost fine.”
“That’s because of my healing speed and that doesn’t change the fact that my face would still be burnt till tonight when I will be fully healed. What are we even talking about, Edward, she hurt me and instead of killing her, you are cuddling her. What the hell is the matter with you?”
Edward didn’t reply and just carried Aliyah and stood up. “You are not wanted here, go back home.”
“What is that supposed to mean? Edward, I am not leaving here without any explanation.”
“You should be happy that I am asking you to leave, you don’t know what I do to people that hurts her, so I will advise you leave before I change my mind.”
“No,” Genevieve shook her head. “I am not leaving here until you tell me who she is. Who is she to you Edward and why are you protecting her?” she yelled when he turned to walk away.
“She is my mate!” Edward yelled now, his eyes glazing red as they landed upon Genevieve. “Now think about what I would have done to you if you had really hurt her.”
“No,” Genevieve couldn’t believe what she heard. The mating mark she had seen earlier kept flashing in her mind. Although her mind had told her what it meant when she saw it which was why she attacked and wanted to kill her but she had still refused to believe the possibility and now hearing him confirm it almost drove her mad. “You must be out of her mind. Have you longed for a mate for so long that you would take anyone in as your mate? If so, then what about me? Why not take me? I have dedicated my whole life to you, you prince of Darkness!”
“Leave now, Genevieve, or your corpse would be the one that does. The only reason you are still standing is because Solomon was a good knight and I am sure Martha won’t be happy knowing that I killed her only child.” Dropping that, Edward carried Aliyah up the stairs and Genevieve watched them as the tears trailed down her cheek. Wiping them off angrily, her eyes hardened with determination as she walked out of the house.
The two men in the car watched in surprise as she got into her car and without a glance at their own car, sped down the hill and out of their sights. “Who was that?” Sean asked.
“That was Lady Genevieve, one of the High council chiefs and the prince’s ex-lover. And if she was here and leaving as angrily as she did, it means that Lady Aliyah’s existence will now be known by all the High Council chiefs,” Rasmus explained, sensing the danger ahead.
“Shit,” Sean whispered.

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