Chapter seventy four

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“Genevieve, do you have any idea what you are saying?” Malachi asked, finding it hard to believe what he just heard.
Genevieve scoffed, “do I look like I will make up a story about our prince? Don’t focus on the unimportant stuff here. The howlers have been asking for this fight since the treaty has been signed but it seems like they truly want it now. First, they sent their rogues after us and now they sent their female to seduce our prince. We all know how long our Prince has been searching for his mate and it’s obvious that the howlers are working with the witches, if not, how else were they able to make their rogues look deranged and also make our prince to accept a howler as a mate? Listen, this is just the beginning, the fastest way to control us is with Prince Edward and he who controls the prince, controls all nightwalkers race. So, tell me my fellow chiefs, are we going to sit back and let those measly howlers control us?”
“Malachi, she speaks sense if you think of it. If this is really the truth, then we must do something about it, don’t you think?” A woman asked.
Malachi sighed, “we have to be sure before we take any action.”
“Then ask your son,” a man suggested. “Everyone knows Rasmus serves the Prince, and if there is anyone to know if a howler is in the palace, it’s him.”
“So you are calling me a liar? I went there myself and I saw her. Look at my face,” Genevieve said. “This is the result of the hot water she threw on me when she figured out who I was and knew immediately that her charm wouldn’t work on me. Do you have any idea how bad this was when it newly happened and how bad it would have been if it was just a weaker nightwalker? I know I will be fine very soon but think about this, if she can do this now, what do you think she would do in the future?”
Everyone looked at each other and sighed. “I think Genevieve is right. Come to think of it, if there really is a night howler in the prince’s castle, Rasmus would never tell us to protect the interest of his master. Plus, we all know that no one would dare snitch on the prince,” a woman said and the rest agreed.
“I think its time we do something about this. We have ignored the howlers for so long. Think about it, not only did they attack us but they did this. Who is to say what they would in the nearest future?”
“I think its time we meet with the High Howlers, they should either reverse whatever it is they are doing and free our prince from their spell or we would give them the war they have been asking for for a long time now,” Malachi said and everyone nodded.
“Quickly, send a messenger to the High Howlers and let them know we would like to meet with them,” a man ordered and a servant nodded before leaving the room while Genevieve smiled secretly. If she can’t have the prince, then no woman would.
“I won’t allow it,” Edward shook his head, walking out of the kitchen and Aliyah and Sean followed behind.
Rasmus looked up from his phone seeing them appear and was surprised. They were chatting quite nicely when they entered the kitchen and now they are disagreeing on something? What could have happened?
“It’s just for a few hours, I want to see my mom,” Aliyah said. “I will be fine, I promise.”
“Do you know what you are asking me? Aliyah, you are a magnet for trouble, I meant it when I said it that day in the woods. Everyone want you and now, who is to say that your people haven’t turned against you? I know they used to be your place of solace but things have changed now. You are my mate. If your kind can’t hate you for anything then that is one reason to do so. They hate me, the last thing I would want is someone bringing me to my knees, using you. Do you understand that?”
Aliyah sighed. “I understand, I really do.”
“Good,” Edward said and turned to walk away again.
“But my mother is sick, you don’t understand this Edward but after hearing of the difficulties she is going through, I can’t sit well and relax. If you are so worried then let Rasmus come with us.”
“You want me to send my servant to the wolf’s den? Really?” Edward asked. “Why send Rasmus, let me come with you if you want a nightwalker to tag along.”
Aliyah groaned and rubbed her temple. “My father can’t stand you now.”
“Exactly, neither can I stand any other night howler but you two,” he said.
“Please, I will be back before you know it.”
“I only left you alone in the human realm for ten minutes and you were abducted by a witch,” Edward revealed and Sean gasped.
“What, seriously? What does the witches want with you?” Sean asked.
“That is not all, the rogues follow you everywhere and you want me to let you travel the very same woods where you will be exposed to them and only with Sean? Tell me, how many rogues can Sean fight off at the same time? And if there should be any witches, can Sean be immune to their spells? Listen, I know you like taking risks before but you need to cut it down now. If not for anything but for the sake of your child, our child.”
This time, Rasmus also gasped with Sean and their eyes widened in shock as they stared at Aliyah who closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. The shocked men gazes went to Edward but he ignored them and went to his mate, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Listen, I know you are worried about your mother but the only way I am ever letting you out of my sight ever again is if I am dead. You are not stepping out of that door unless I am coming with you.”
“Don’t cage me, Edward,” she opened her eyes to look at him. “I don’t do well in tight places.”
“It’s not a cage, It’s a form of protection. Once we have settled the things with the rogues and sure that your kind are okay with us, then trust me, you would be free to go just anywhere you want.” He cupped her cheek in his palm and smiled. “Just think about what happened today, if I had been a second late, Genevieve would have killed you. Don’t you understand the situation of things?”
‘Ali, he makes a good point. If you are really with child and is also wanted by the witches, your best shot is always staying with him. Right now in this whole world, only he can protect you,’ Sean said in the mind link and she glared at him. ‘Think about it,’ he added, unfazed by her anger. “I will go home and I will tell your mom I met you. In fact, how about you do a short video on my phone, telling her just how okay you are. I’m sure that will calm her down,” he said this time with a smile and handed her his phone. “Trust me.”
“If I can put in, Sean is right,” Rasmus said. “The rogues are really after you and it’s clear that whoever is using them is using the witches as well. There is no saying what can happen and, in this matter, it’s better safe than sorry.”
Edward heaved a sigh and smiled softly at her. “How about Rasmus takes Sean’s number and when he gets home, you can call your mother using Rasmus’s phone?”
At that, Aliyah’s head sprang up and Edward smiled, caressing her cheek with his fingertips, “that way, you can keep in touch with her or if you want, Rasmus would leave this night to get you your own phone and before that, Sean would have left your mom’s number and like that, you can call her whenever you want. She can even visit you if she wants as long as she knows it would be safe. You have my word that neither I nor Rasmus would attack her.”
Aliyah smiled then and hugged him, “I like your idea better.”
“Of course, I’m the oldest here,” he bragged.
“Oh please,” Sean said while Rasmus rolled his eyes.
Aliyah chuckled and sighed. “Thank you.”
“Trust me, I will work fast to settle this so that you and him would have a peaceful life. It’s my vow to you and I will make sure I fulfil it, even if it would be the last thing I do,” Edward said, placing his hand on her stomach.
Aliyah glanced up at him. “Thank you but remember, in whatever picture you paint for us, make sure you are there or it would be worthless,” she looked deep into his eyes and added, “I mean it.”
Edward smiled softly and kissed her forehead, “I will be. It’s a promise.”

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