Chapter nineteen

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Edward growled furiously at the creature that was not relenting. The animal growled back angrily at him too and huffed in annoyance before it charged again. Edward snarled and attacked as well, grabbing it on the neck tightly and slamming it on a nearby tree. The force of the pressure caused the tree to break off and the one next to it as the creature landed on it as well. He gnarled and rushed after it, picking it up once more and slamming it on the ground, creating a deep hole immediately.
The creature climbed out and attacked with its claws, slashing him on the chest and on the face but it watched as the wound healed up immediately. The surprise it got from the situation was evident in its red eyes but Edward didn’t give it time to recover as he attacked once more. Grabbing it on the neck and sinking his fangs on it.
The creature thrashed and kicked, but couldn’t get free. It sliced through him with its claws but the wounds all healed before any harm could be done. It could feel its strength leaving it as its blood was drained. With time, his struggles became weak and right before its eyes could roll back into the sockets, Edward picked it up and ripped it in halves. His eyes glowing red and his mouth stained with blood.
He dropped the carcass of the animal beside each of his foot and his red eyes went to a certain woman who was watching everything in horror while hugging a tree. He wiped the blood out of his mouth with his arm, his anger no way subsiding as he stormed towards the woman.
“Don’t come near me,” she screamed but he didn’t listen and quickly picked her up, his eyes going to the slash on her chest.
“Just like I thought, you are wounded here,” he snarled, his eyes going back to hers. “How insolent.”
Aliyah tried to struggle free from him. That creature was ten times bigger than him but he had killed it off in less than two minutes, just what kind of a nightwalker is he? How could he be so strong? Fear rose in her eyes as his red eyes landed on her again.
“Be still,” he growled and she stilled immediately. “How, how were you able to make me come here?”
“I-I don’t know,” she stuttered, for some reason, she felt the same fear she had gotten the first day she met him.
Edward’s red eyes went to her neck and he gnarled angrily at the blood red rose that was sitting comfortably on her neck; His mark that had somehow connected them. His eyes went back to hers and she gasped in fear. He showed his fangs to her, as if threatening to end her life like he just did the creature. “Do you want to die?”
“Let me go,” Aliyah struggled.
“Do you want to die!” he yelled. “Do you know what that was?”
Aliyah glanced at the dead creature behind him. She sighed and glanced at him, “no.”
“Exactly,” Edward spat, his eyes still glowing red. “That was a Nebuzar, and not just any but a thousand years Nebuzar which you have forcefully awoken from its hibernation. Not even your damned Alpha can kill a hundred years Nebuzar let to talk of a thousand. And you, a mere weak little wolf had dared to challenge it? Do you want to die?” He yelled.
“I didn’t mean to wake it up!” Aliyah yelled, really scared of him at the moment and she wished his eyes could just go back to their midnight blue color. She would feel more at ease if she doesn’t have to look at his red ones.
As if to have heard her, Edward’s eyes changed back to midnight blue and he put her down. “What are you doing here anyway? Don’t you know what lurk inside this forest? Not even a hundred of your damned kinds can challenge a single demon in here and yet you came here alone?”
“I am not alone.”
Edward glanced at her, he could feel his burning hatred for her but for some reason, he was happy he came around in time and that she was okay. His eyes went to her bare chest and it flashed red once more.
“What are you going to do to me?” Aliyah asked fearfully seeing as his eyes were flashing red again. She could feel the fear rising in her heart especially when she remembers how he had killed that creature. She couldn’t believe that that this was the man she was assuring herself that she would kill, how could she? Look at what he just did! However, no matter the fear she was feeling in her heart, she refused to succumb to him. She was a howler, and howlers never submit to nightwalkers, which was why the feud that had started more than two millenniums cannot be sorted out.
Edward gnarled and his eyes went back to hers. “I want to kill you very, very, very, very much,” he spat out. “I want to chop you limb by limb and feed you to every Nebuzar I can find. I want to crawl into your soul and tear you into pieces. No kind of death can amount to what I want to do to you now.”
Despite the fear that crushed her with each word he spoke, Aliyah kept her head high and said, “You can’t.”
“Yes,” he concurred, surprising her. “I can’t, not until I get rid of that damned mark on your neck. But not to worry, in seven days I shall find my mate, be aware that you would take your last breath on the night of the blood moon.”
“I will be finding my mate then as well and trust me when I say that together, we both would finish you off.” Of course she didn’t believe that, she was starting to see that he was a different kind of nightwalker compared to the ones she had been fighting. But where has he been? How come they have never heard of a really strong nightwalker apart from the originals that died a thousand years ago?
Edward smirked, his eyes going back to midnight blue. “Not even every wolf in your pack combined, or all the wolf packs combined can do harm on me. You don’t know who you are up against little wolf and you will find out once that mark is out of your damned neck. The only thing that annoys me is that not only will it not let me kill you, I can’t let anyone kill you as well, hence why I am here. Otherwise, I would have sat in the front row and watched as that Nebuzar ruined you for spoiling its sleep.”
Aliyah didn’t put his words to heart and scoffed. “You keep bragging about how strong you are and how you will kill me, let’s not be surprised when I will be the one killing you in the end.”
Edward smiled and reached forward and tucked a lock of bloodied hair behind her ear. “You wish, little wolf, you wish. Go ahead and enjoy my powers for now, it won’t last for long.” He looked into her eyes and before she could reply, he was gone.
Aliyah wondered what he meant by enjoying his power and then she realized that her chest doesn’t hurt anymore neither does any part of her body. What is going on? She wondered and then heard shuffling behind her.
“Aliyah,” she heard Sean’s voice and quickly shifted into her wolf to hide her nakedness. “My God, are you okay?” he ran and quickly hugged the snow white wolf. Aliyah placed her snow head on his shoulder and then watched as everyone started catching up to them. Everyone looked worried including Natasha, Olivia and Jessica who had changed into new clothes.
Mr. Tyler glanced around and on seeing the carcass of the Nebuzar, he gasped, “my God, what happened?”
Sean looked at the dead creature and then at Aliyah, “What the hell is that thing?”
Mr. Tyler went up to inspect it and he gasped in wonder. “As I live and breathe. This is a Nebuzar, a thousand years Nebuzar in fact. It should be hibernating by now, Nebuzars hibernate at this time.” He turned to Aliyah and sighed, “this place is not safe. Where there is one Nebuzar, there are bound to be more. Maybe Aliyah would tell us what happened when we get home. Alright Children, go get your gears, we are running home tonight.”
“Oh Thank God,” Melanie praised where she was and quickly rushed back to get her things. Everyone followed, all surprised at what happened and looking forward to Aliyah’s testimony when they get home.
“You comfortable like this?” Sean asked Aliyah.
Aliyah nodded. Her clothes had shredded when she transformed to spar with Natasha, and although someone would willingly lend her cloth to change into, she still needs to think about the hideous mark on her neck and there was no way she could randomly ask for a scarf. She nudged Sean with her head and he nodded before letting her go to follow their classmates.

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