✯ 8 ✯ The Start of Something Terrifying

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

"Hey, are you alright?" Shoto asked.

Just nervous about getting into UA so I can change the future that no one else in this world knows about. In just ten months!

No, I'm the furthest thing from fine.

I looked up from my schoolwork to see Shoto, who was bringing in some snacks from the kitchen.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"You've been really nervous lately. Did something happen at your school?" Shoto asked.

"No, I'm just nervous about the UA entrance exams. It's so close," I sighed.

Shoto set the assorted fruits on the desk next to me as I closed up my books and put them on the ground next to my back. I moved over as Shoto sat down, facing me.

"You have nothing to worry about," Shoto said.

"Sho, you have nothing to worry about. You have a strong quirk and are very skilled in using it. I know my quirk is useful, but is it enough to get me into UA...I don't know," I muttered.

I felt a hand hit the back of my head and I hissed.

"Why'd you do that?" I whined.

"Stop saying that. You'll get in and we'll be in the same class," Shoto said plainly.

"You didn't have to hit me to say that," I pouted.

I saw Shoto's mouth twitch upward in a short-lived smile before it went back to his neutral facial expression. He grabbed a strawberry and took a bite out of it.

I reached to grab a strawberry of my own when Shoto grabbed my wrist.

"Not the strawberries," he said.

"Come on! You're so mean! You hit me and now I can't have a strawberry?" I pouted.

Shoto rolled his eyes and grabbed a strawberry and held it up to my mouth.

"One," he said.

I smiled and let Shoto put the strawberry in my mouth. I chewed and swallowed the strawberry and Shoto smiled a bit.

"Hey, Shoto, do you want some cold soba?" Natsuo asked, opening the door to Shoto's room.

His eyes met mine and his eyes narrowed.

"You...didn't...say...hi to me?! (Y/N)!" Natsuo glared.

He charged forward and pinched my cheeks, pulling them out, as he scolded me for not saying hi to him.

"Sho, -elp!" I cried.

Shoto did nothing but continue eating his strawberries as Natsuo continued on his scolding. It wasn't until Natsuo was about to steal me away that Shoto stepped in. He used his quirk to separate Natsuo and I.

"Shoto, come on! You always spend time with her. Let Fuyumi and I have some time with her. We knew her first!" Natsuo whined.

"Go away," Shoto muttered.


"Hurry up sparkles!" Katsuki called.

"Hold on, Pomeranian!" I replied.

"I'm not a Pomeranian!" Katsuki countered.

"Both of you quiet down!" my mom yelled.

"Sorry mom!" I called.

I finished pulling my leggings on before running downstairs.

I quickly grabbed my shoes and put them on near the door.

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