✯ 42 ✯ Internship Offers

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

Going back to UA was an experience. Everytime I traveled anywhere people recognized me, and they no longer mentioned my mother. I even had some kids come up to me with bright smiles asking a bunch of questions about which hero I'd become and what names I'd thought of.

"Good morning (L/N)!" Iida said as he caught me in the hallway.

"Iida, how is your brother? I've heard he's off the ventilator now," I asked.

"He's doing far better now. I'm thankful to you and your family," Iida said.

I was about to deny his praise, but his genuine smile made me nod. We entered the classroom and immediately everyone began talking.

"It's so weird that people recognize us from TV," Toru said.

"Everyone wanted to talk to me on my way here," Mina said.

"Yeah, me too!" Kirishima smiled.

"People on the street were staring at me. It was kind of embarrassing," Toru replied.

"Sure, but isn't that kind of normal for you?" Mashirao asked Toru.

"You won't believe what a bunch of elementary school brats yelled at me," Sero groaned.

"Nice try?" Tsu asked.

"Ohhh!" Sero cried.

"I'm sure they only meant well," I chuckled.

"All it took was one Sports Festival and suddenly we're like celebrities," Kaminari said.

"This school really is amazing," Mineta replied.

"Morning," Mr. Aizawa said as he entered.

"Good morning Mr. Aizawa," we replied.

"We have a big class today on hero informatics," Mr. Aizawa said.

Everyone began tensing again and as I looked out the window at the rainy day.

"You need codenames, time to pick your hero identities," Mr. Aizawa said.

My classmates began cheering before Mr. Aizawa used his quirk to intimidate everyone into silence. Hushes followed.

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the last time we were in class together. Normally students don't have to worry about the draft yet, not until their second or third year actually, but your class is different. In fact, by extending offers to first years like you pros are essentially investing in your potential. Any offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation though," Mr. Aizawa said.

"Stupid selfish adults," Mineta huffed, hitting his desk.

"So what you're saying is that we'll still have to prove ourselves after we've gotten recruited," Toru said.

"Correct. Now, here are the totals for those of you who got offers," Mr. Aizawa said, pressing a button on his remote causing the projector to show statistics.

Shoto got 4,123 offers, I got 4,120 offers, Katsuki got 3,556 offers, Tokoyami got 360 offers, Iida got 301 offers, Kaminari got 272 offers, Momo got 108 offers, Kirishima got 68 offers, Ochaco got 13 offers, and Sero got 14 offers.

"In past years it's been more spread out, but there's a pretty big gap this time," Mr. Aizawa said, pointing to the offers list.

"That's no fair," Kaminari cried.

"What about the real star, moi?" Aoyama fumed

"Todoroki got the most, ahead of Bakugou and (Y/N)?" Kyoka asked.

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