✯ 9 ✯ Walking Right Into Trouble

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

The first fifteen minutes of walking was fine. We stayed within the usual well-lit, very populated, streets. However, as Katsuki turned to an alleyway for a shortcut I couldn't help but pause for a moment.

"Hey, hurry up!" Katsuki called.

"Right," I replied.

I walked beside Katsuki as he continued to ramble about how he was definitely going to win against me in our training.

However, I couldn't help but be swept up in my thoughts and nerves. I mean who wouldn't be when they're expecting a villain attack to happen any second now.

Now in canon it ended up being fine. I mean Izuku got involved which inspired All Might to get involved despite his...situation. Then Katsuki gets saved and Izuku gets All Might as a mentor. Ten months later UA for both of them.

So I should have nothing to be worried about...right?


I'm not canon.

So what if my involvement made things worse? What if Katsuki got hurt because I was around?

My mind was currently filled with me going through every scenario under the sun as I continued walking.

I was brought back to life when a hand hit the back of my head.

"Hey, wake up glitterball!" Katsuki called.

"Ow! You didn't have to hit me!" I hissed as I began to walk.

"Well you weren't replying to me!" he replied as he followed.

"Spiky hedgehog," I huffed.

"Daydreamer," Katsuki replied.

"Dynamite stick," I said.

"Glow stick," Katsuki replied.

"Edge lord," I finished.

"I am not edgy!" Katsuki yelled.

"Ha, I win again!" I laughed.

"No you didn't!" Katsuki argued.

"Yes. You lost. You changed the subject," I laughed.

"Whatever," Katsuki scoffed, kicking some bottle on the ground with a pout.

"Oh come on, don't be a sore loser. I see your pout," I teased, nudging the blond boy.

"You're an idiot, I'm not pouting," Katsuki muttered.

"I'm smarter than-" I began.

Before I could finish my sentence I heard something moving behind us. I turned my head to see that slime villain rising from the ground until he towered over the two of us.

"Two great candidates to choose from! Now which should I take?" the villain asked.

I felt Katsuki grab my wrist and yank me behind him as his hands popped with mini explosions.

"Just try!" he smirked.

The slime villain was here...in front of me. It was much more terrifying than watching from a screen. He was made up of a disgusting seaweed colored semi-liquid that always seemed to be flowing. His eyes were bulged out with brown slits for irises and flax colored sclera. His eyes looked bloodshot or they were, at the very least, veiny.

By instinct I created a shield around Katsuki and I.

"Let me out jazz hands!" Katsuki yelled.

The villain punched my shield over and over. Eventually it began to crack and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

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