✯ 32 ✯ Chaotic Lunch

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

"I am not naive," I pouted.

"Sure you aren't." Shinso replied.

I huffed and set my tray of food down in the seat across from Shinso. I gave him a glare as I quietly spoke my thank you for the food. I then broke my chopsticks and began eating.

"Aww, is the little princess offended?" Shinso asked.

"Whatever," I huffed.

Shinso chuckled and my cheeks flushed in embarrassment at the fact I was practically being laughed at.

"(Y/N)," a familiar voice called.

A tray of food was set beside mine and before I would turn my head I felt arms wrap around me from behind. I looked up confused and saw the familiar red and white peppermint hair.

"Sho?" I asked.

His gray and cyan eyes met mine while it shielded his gaze from Shinso.

"Why weren't you at the table?" Shoto asked.

"I wanted to sit with my friend," I said.

Shoto looked up at Shinso with a judging look that looked like a glare.


Who am I kidding, he was glaring at Shinso.

I pouted at his glare and I reached up and flicked his forehead.

"Wha-?" Sho began.

"Stop glaring. You're being rude," I scolded lightly.

Shoto scoffed and sat down beside me silently.

"Shinso, this is my friend Todoroki, Shoto. Sho, this is Shinso," I smiled.

"Nice to meet you," Shoto replied, boredly.

"Right, same here," Shinso replied, just as...enthusiastically.

I chuckled nervously as Shinso and Shoto began eating.

"Anyway, did you get home safe the other day, Shinso?" I asked.

"I did. My parents were worried that I was late though," Shinso said, a small smirk rising as he teased me.

"Sorry," I muttered, embarrassed.

"How'd you meet anyway?" Shoto asked.

"Shinso helped me get home the other day, when it was raining and I didn't have my umbrella," I replied.

"You could've just called," Sho huffed.

"I wouldn't have wanted to interrupt you or your siblings. Besides getting a random sucker to help me out worked quite efficiently," I joked, motioning to Shinso.

"Random sucker? Well I'm not so random, as you pointed out when we met," Shinso replied, now getting more playful.

"So then a familiar sucker. Not much of a difference, is there?" I asked.

"So what am I now, princess?" Shinso asked.

"Maybe...oh, a servant!" I laughed.

"A servant? Now I'd like to think I'm the knight," Shinso scoffed.

"Well a knight needs more muscles," I chuckled.

Shinso and I kept our banter up when Shoto leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"Not really," Shoto replied.

"Then why are-?" I began.

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