✯ 38 ✯ The Second & Third Rounds

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

I was in the waiting room, watching Shoto and Izuku's round. It was just as chaotic as I remembered. Yet when I watched Shoto use his fire I couldn't help but let pride surge through me. Still the worry for Izuku was through the roof. He was just like Touya in certain ways, willing to injure himself to push himself forward.

As the arena was being repaired I heard a knock on the door. I watched as the door opened and Shoto entered.

"I didn't see you in the booth, so I thought you'd be here," he muttered.

I waved him over and he sat down next to me, his shirt still half burnt off. Shoto's head leaned forward and rested his head on my shoulder. I reached my arm up and pet his head.

"I'm proud of you," I smiled.

"I'm lost," he muttered.

"I know, Sho. Using your quirk is a huge step forward, I won't push you to use it, however...look into it yourself. Is denying a part of yourself worth proving a point to that bastard? You choose your future, not him. No matter what, I'll always be here for you," I said.

Shoto buried his head further into my shoulder as he hugged me.

"There's something else," I said.

Shoto hummed for me to continue.

"You should visit your mom," I said.

"What?" Shoto asked, sitting up in shock.

"She's a big part of your life, a part you haven't seen in so long. Ask her what she thinks, I think it'll help you clear your head," I smiled.

"I...I'll think about it," he hummed.

"Good. Now get out, you're still competition," I smiled.

Shoto smiled a bit before getting up and exiting the room. I followed soon after as the arena was prepared. As I spotted Iida entering the arena I smiled and waved. It was easy to assume that Iida would try and use his speed to get me out of the area, however I was still prepared for anything else.

As soon as we were released I watched as Iida prepared his recipro burst. He rushed forward, going behind me before beginning to push me to the edge of the field from behind. As we got close I reached back to Iida's shoulders and flipped over him.

Iida struggled to skid to a stop as I summoned my light whip and shot it forward, letting it wrap around his legs. I yanked at my whip and made Iida trip over, his face crashing into the ground across the line. I cringed as I heard Iida groan.

"Iida is out! (L/N) wins the match!" Midnight announced.

"Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry, are you alright? I didn't mean to make you face plant!" I cried, crouching next to Iida.

"I'm alright (L/N), just a bit taken off guard," he chuckled as he sat up.

I spotted a scratch on his face and frowned.

"Still, here sit still," I said.

I kneeled in front of him and cupped his cheek letting my healing quirk do it's thing.

"I see, so this was part of your plan to show the heroes your second ability," Iida hummed.

"No! Not at all! I swear!" I cried.

Iida chuckled before outright laughing, making my cheeks heat up. I smacked his shoulder for teasing me and he let out a playful cry.

"Now you're just being villainous. Injuring the patient you were just fusing about," Iida smirked.

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