✯ Movie: Two Heroes ✯

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

It had been about a month since summer started and here I was looking at the private jet my parents had decided to accept for me. I smiled nervously. It felt like overkill, but hey the people who gave my mom tickets to I-Island insisted even if I was the only one going.


"Are you sure this is okay? I can take a normal plane," I said, turning to my parents.

"Well it's too late now, isn't it?" mom asked.

As a hostess walked over and took my suitcase mom pulled me into a quick hug and kissed my forehead.

"Just enjoy yourself, be safe, and no boys," my dad said.

He hugged me next and also kissed my forehead. The two then pushed me to the jet and I smiled and waved as I entered. There were two pilots, a host, and a hostess. The jet was relatively small, but obviously luxurious.

The ride was long, we were heading from Japan to the middle of nowhere in the ocean, but the plane's attendants and pilots were very nice. I shared the snacks in the plane, since it was far too much for me alone, and we talked.

Dare I say I befriended the host, hostess, and pilots.

The hostess let me know we were almost there and I looked out the window to see the giant island. I quickly changed into my hero outfit, after having got permission to take it with me, and once we landed I exited.

I went through immigration process, being scanned on a conveyor belt. I looked around after getting my suitcase and eventually found a man holding a board with my name on it. I walked over and smiled nervously.

"Hello, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)," I smiled.

"Ah, perfect! I was so excited that you're here! Please, let me show you around! Allow my assistant to take your suitcase to your room," my mom's sponsor said.

He began showing me around the place and I was amazed by how beautiful it was. The anime really didn't do it justice. Although I did get a bit crowded after my sponsor announced, very loudly, how he was excited to have a (L/N) here.

My sponsor then unfortunately had to leave and I was a bit thankful since he was quite a bit boastful. He wasn't mean at all, just...a bit egotistic I suppose. That's when I spotted a huge crowd of screaming people nearby. I walked over when I saw All Might giving autographs and women kissing his face, leaving lipstick marks all over.

As the crowd died down I decided to go say hi as I saw Izuku was there too, just like in canon. I waited until All Might had whispered to Izuku so they could have their moment.

"You don't mind giving one more autograph do you?" I asked.

"O-of course no-! Oh Young (L/N), hello!" All Might cheered.

His smile quickly brightened after he noticed it was me instead of another fan.

"Hi, I didn't expect to see you here. You too Izuku, hi," I smiled.

"(Y/N)! What-what are you doing here?" Izuku asked.

"Are you not happy to see me?" I asked, putting up a pout as I teased him.

"N-n-no! I mean y-y-yes!" he stammered.

"Just kidding! My mom always gets tickets to the expo, but she never uses them since she's always so busy or exhausted. I asked if I could go this year since I wasn't allowed to go alone before," I smiled.

"Yes, I'd assume she'd get lots of offers to be flown here," All Might hummed.

"Yes, I wasn't expecting a private jet either. It was a bit...much," I sighed.

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