Chapter 5

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Sorry for the really late upload 😅 ..
I've just been busy with work and school but I'm gonna try and keep uploading! Thank you for waiting! ❤️

It's been around three weeks since the incident and for when they had finally let you go.

Of course on the supervision of not lifting anything heavy and taking it easy. Which was kind of a bummer, but at least you were out of that god awful bed.

But that means being bothered by the one and only Dr. Trafalgar. At times you didn't mind it. In fact, you guys have gotten along pretty well..For the most part... And other times you both can show each other attitude. But you also realize it's just him trying to help out with your little problem and every time your doing a bit much, he sends you a glare.

Speaking of the devil...

A sigh came from your right, making it very obvious who it is. "Dr. [L/n] your overdoing it..Again." You roll your eyes and set the stack of papers down, grabbing his arm and tugging him to any empty room.

"Where are we go-" you shut him up by shoving him in a small conference room. "What the hell is up with you?" You say irritated.

The confused doctor looked a bit taken back by this sudden question. "What do you mean?" You scoffed and crossed your arms. "You know exactly what i mean! You suddenly act like you care? I'm fine! I've been healing perfect fine..." once he realized what his was about, his confused face turned into a 'are you serious?' One.

He suddenly flicked the middle of your chest, making you slap his hand away and rub the tender spot. "Yeah, healed fully...Sure."

Your mouth was open due to shock and your eyebrows furrowed. "I..Perv!" He face palmed and shook his head. "I'm the perv? You have no room to talk [Y/n]." You squinted your eyes. "I am not! And that's Dr. [L/n] to you!"

While you guys were whisper yelling at each other you both didn't notice some of the nurses that walked in. "Dose it really matter at this moment?" Law said irritated. "Yes! Yes it dose! Now, if you will excuse me I have work to do. And to do it without someone breathing down my neck every five se-" you were cut off by the few nurses holidng in their laughs.

"If I wouldn't have known any better, I would've thought you were a couple!" A girl with blond hair said while giggling. "Ok love birds, we do need this room for a meeting." A man in his what you believed to be in his late 30's said.

You looked back between the man you were aruguing with and the nurses that were waiting on you both to leave.

Your face heated up and was dusted a light pink while you walked out. "I'm sorry, excuse us." You said softly while opening the door to exit. Law following you on your tail. "Yes, excuse us."

It was quiet while walking back together to the reception center. That was until you felt a hand on your shoulder.

You grit your teeth, then turned to face your so called 'boss'. But this time when you tried talking, he cut you off. "Really, [Y/n]. Just.. Take it a bit easy on yourself?" He then pulled his arm back, and walked off.

You were dumbfounded and lost. He had a look of sternness, but also a look of sincerity. Your face once again heated up, but not out of embarrassment..So by what? You just didn't know.. You soon snapped out of your thoughts and slowly headed back to the cafeteria, thinking you need a cup of coffee.

But when you were pouring yourself a drink, you couldn't help but smile. You were thinking maybe, just maybe..He wasn't so bad..?

Then you were kicked one again from your thoughts when you saw a hand waving in your face.
"Uhh, Dr. [L/n]!" Your eyes widened while your head turned to the girl who had an eyebrow raised and her hands now on her hips.

"Dang girl, your really out of it. Was it the incident? Maybe you should just leave?"

That once happy feeling was now gone and replaced with an irritated one. "Why don't you go bother someone else's day Cady?" You grabbed your coffee and took a drink, slightly burning your tounge.

She smiled and put a arm around your shoulder, making you all the more irritated. "Oh come on! Say, let's have a girls day Hm?"

You grabbed her arm and shoved it off your shoulders. "Thanks but no thanks. I'm kind of recovering from an injury." She was silent for a few seconds then scoffed. "Then if your injured, why are you working?"

You kept walking and took another sip of your coffee. "Because, I have a house to pay for. You don't, ms I live with mommy. Now, get back to work."you said waving bye with a smirk on your face. She once again sat there humiliated and crossed her arms, walking away. You sat down and looked over some papers. "Such kids..."


You ended up loosing track of time getting involved in some paper work that you had to deal with when you were gone.

There was a knock at your office door, making you sigh but your eyes still danced across the papers. "Come in."

When it opened then closed, you heard footsteps approach your table. And when you saw those tattooed hands you internally smacked yourself.
"[Y/n]-ya." You set the pen down and slowly looked up, only to find a tired and glaring Law looking straight back at you.

"Just let me finish this last paper? I'm almost done." You say looking back down, continuing to write.

Suddenly the pen was yanked from your hands, making you shoot a glare at him. But that soon disappeared when you saw his tired face. "That's not why I'm here." He said setting the pen you had down.

A bit confused, you slightly tilted your head. "Then, what do you need?" You say curious. "You know you can't just say that to your nurse... It's rude and unprofessional."

You rolled your eyes and started to put things away. "Oh no you don't! You do the exact same thing! Plus, she had it coming." He just gave you a dumb look in response.

"Ok look, I know no one likes her but she still works here and dose an alright job. And I know I do it, but I'm working on it." You just side eye him and grab your pen back, setting it in a drawer. "Yeah sure.. Now, if thats out of the way..I'm gonna head home." You grabbed your purse, but then felt a hand grab your shoulder. "What now?-"

"Go out to eat with me."

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