Chapter 6

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"Go out to eat with me."

You stood there dumb founded, not really knowing what to do with the sudden question that was thrown your way.

"H-huh?" Was all you could say. Your face heated up and you didn't doubt that it was very noticeable.

But what caught you off guard was that the man In front of you was looking the opposite way. But what gave his embarrassment away, was the pink tint in his ears and neck. "Look, I got invited to a double date and I couldn't say no..It was meant for work but they are expecting me to bring someone..So can you be my date?"

You knew he was an asshole, but he could be really nice.

He made sure you were ok these past 3 weeks..Even though he could be an ass about it. But you still appreciated it.

When you realized his hand was out for you to grab, you exchanged the shocked face, to a soft one with a small smile gracing your face. "Alright, Law." Then you grabbed his hand, making him turn to face you with him now with a shocked face.

When he looked up to see your face, he took in the smile that plastered your face. And then, his face once again became pink..Maybe even a cherry red.

"Well then, alright..." he said while you let go of his hand and opened the door, waiting for him to come. "You coming or what?" You say with a playful attitude. Then for once, you saw him smile. "Sure."

You waited for him to get his things so you could walk out together.

Once he was done, you both walked out of the building and said bye to Sachi and Penguin, along with some other people.

"So, what time do I have to be there? And how do I dress?" You asked while waiting for a car to pass, a little paranoid. "Well, i can come pick you up, so I'll be there around 7:00. We have to be there by 7:30. And about the dress, I guess they said we have to somewhat match so...I was gonna ask you what colors you like?"

It was sweet of him to ask before hand you'll give him that. "Well, I love the colors black, blue, and yellow." When you looked over to him, his eyes lit up.

"What?" you asked. "Funny enough, my favorite colors are blue and yellow.." he said looking away while clearing his throat.

Then suddenly you had a bright idea. "Then why don't you buy a black suit with a blue and yellow tie, and I'll get a dress somewhat similar?" He thought about it for a few seconds, but nodded his head in agreement. "That sound good. And..tomorrow i have a friend that owns a clothing store..If you would like to come with..." he said looking a way once again.

You found it pretty funny how he still tries to act serious in these kinds of situations. But covers the embarrassment by looking away thinking it helps, which it doesn't. "Oh! Well..I can ask Marco to take me.. Not sure if he has work though..."

"That's alright, I can pick you up tomorrow." You suddenly felt bad. Why? You had no idea. "Wait, now I feel bad. You sure?" He shook his head and put his hands in his pockets due to the cold. "If I wasn't sure I wouldn't have offered." You rolled your eyes and smiled.

Then it hit you..'Holy shit...Am I really catching feelings for this asshole?' You thought. Then looking up to see his face looking ahead.

His sharp jawline and the gottee that shaped it even better. The messy raven hair that danced in the wind, and those grey/golden eyes that could stare anyone down..You blushed. 'There's no way...'

"And you call me the perv." He said with a slight smirk, not helping your case. "I just thought you had something on your face is all" Then you both reached his car.

He unlocked it and put his hand on the handle. "You never answered if you did or didn't.." he said, only with you responding with a mental slap and a embarrassing squeak when you tired to talk. "O-oh! Right uhm....Only if you want to!" He smiled and nodded his head, opening the door to his car and getting in. "Have a good night [Y/n]-ya." You smiled and waved as he left.

"Damn, your falling aren't you?" Your eyes widened and your instinctively threw a punch only for someone to barley dodge and fall on the ground. "Damn [Y/n]-yoi!" You instantly regretted your action, and not due to almost punching him in the was because of your now sore chest.

You then rolled your eyes and made him stand up on his own.

"Was there a reason for that?" You asked still having a hand on your chest due to the sudden surprise and heart attack he gave you.

He dusted himself off and shook his head. "Well, both you and emo dude were ogling each other and I was waiting for you to get done so we can get home, it's cold out you know-yoi?" He said while a smile.

You gave an apologetic smile and let out a breathy chuckle. "Yeah..sorry Marco. I have a lot to tell you when we get home.." you say kind of drained from todays events like usual. But you had a smile gracing your tired face, knowing you somewhat have a date in a few days.

You couldn't really remember the last time you went on a date with someone..And the ones you do remember are shitty.

Not to mention the date you are attending is with someone you hated less than two months ago!

But you decided to ignore that for now and focus on that later.. Or when you see how this date of your really goes. Even though it's mainly meant for a business matter, you still felt like you could maybe have some fun while acting professional.

Slowly, your eyes started to close for the car ride home. And the darkness consumed you and your thoughts...

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