Chapter 9

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"My office. Now."

You followed him, unsure about what this was about. Sure, you were still a bit pissed at him for how's he's been acting. But for right now, you were very confused. But that confusion turned into anxiety once his door came in sight.

He opened the door, letting you in first then walking in himself. When he turned away from the door, he looked straight into your eyes and crossed his arms.

Nothing was said for a good 30 seconds, but finally you scoffed and rolled your eyes. "What is this about?" You asked while putting your hands In your pockets. He squinted his eyes before letting out his own sigh and letting his arms hang. "I'm sorry."

You were slightly confused, so with a raised eyebrow you looked at him weirdly. "Excuse me?"

Now suddenly he seemed lost for words. That was until he walked up to you and leaned in. Your eyes widened in shock, 'what the hell?-' you thought.

He hesitated but soon connected his lips with yours. Your breath was caught in your throat, but in all honesty you didn't hate it. In fact, you missed it.

You slowly raised a hand up to cup his cheek, slowly kissing him back.

You both kissed until you couldn't, soon slowly backing away from each other. "I thought you said we-" he cut you off with a scoff. "Let's just forget that.." your eyes widened with shock when you lifted your head to meet his grey/golden eyes.

You thought his work was his everything. That, It's what he's been working for his whole life...but to just forget it? "That doesn't sound like you." You say, kind of concerned.

He simply laid his head on your shoulder and sighed. "Just..let's stay like this." And so you did.

You didn't really know what to do in this situation. So you simply went with what you thought was right. "Alright.." you moved your arms around him and leaned your head on his.

You stayed like that for a good few minutes, until he finally spoke. "I know i can be an asshole. And I know im different from other people but, this time I mean it." You lifted his head off you shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "What?" He hesitated, but made sure he was honest with you. "Let me take you on a date. Just the two of us. No interruptions, and no other entitled assholes."

You really didn't know what to do. When you look back on everything, you trusted him too fast..Maybe even moved to fast? You weren't quite sure.

"Dr.Tra-" he cut you off. "Law." You sighed and shook your head. "Law. I understand what your putting down, but I.. I don't want work to get in the way of things only for it to cause even more problems."

He nodded his head and leaned his head on yours. "I won't. If there's one thing I've noticed, is that in that time period when we didn't speak...I honestly missed you... A lot." It was silent as you thought about his proposal. Did you really wanna risk it? Risk everything? Dose he really make you feel that way?

Well sure, you miss talking to him or just messing with each other to piss one off. Or even just flipping him off when no one was looking. But deep down, you new he cared. Right?

He wouldn't have taken care of you, or watched out for you like that if he didn't...


After some decisions that ran through your head, you finally looked back up at him and gave him a slight nod. "Ok, fine. But if it doesn't work out, that's it." His face Lightened up, and even a slight smile graced his face. "Alright."

He wrapped his arms around your waist and connected his lips with yours once again. Your hands trailed up his chest, slowly going around his neck.

When he finally let your go to breath you smiled. "I knew you could be alright, but not the sentimental type." You let out a weak laugh. "I'm not sentimental. Just nice." You raised an eyebrow at him with a playful smile. "Didn't know you could be that either."

He gave you a dumb look and kissed your cheek. "Did you want me to take you home?" You suddenly felt new to this. "Uh no, that's alright. I finally got a new car."

He could tell you were a bit uneasy, so he let off. "Alright." He still didn't want to let you go. "So, when exactly is this 'date'?" He hummed and thought. "Are you off Saturday?" You tried to remember. "I believe so, if not I'll let you know...I'll probably have to check." He nodded. "Well if you don't get called in, is Saturday ok?" You nodded and let him go. "Yeah, that sound good."

You realized the time and started to panic. "Shit! Marcos is gonna kill me!" You quickly ran out of the office and soon into yours, Law trying to keep up behind you. "What, why?" You struggled to get a coat on and your purse. "I told him I wouldn't try to stay late and I'll make a celebration dinner because he had finally bought a house-" you said stumbling to get out.

In the doorway, he grabbed your arm, stopping you. "Just-.. Be safe?" He looked awkward saying nice stuff, making you calm down just a bit and smile. "I will, don't stay too late asshole." You said and gave a chase kiss on his cheek, hoping nobody saw.

And just like that you hurried your way to your car. Of course after you started her up, you sped home. So when you eventually did get there you wouldn't be as late.

You locked the car and rushed inside, only to see Marco already with takeout. "You took a bit-yoi. Thought I would just get something quick." You gave an apologetic smile and slowed down to catch your breath. "Really, im sorry. I just got caught up with some...stuff. I promise, I'll make it up to you...somehow." You say taking off your coat and hanging it up.

He sat down getting the food ready on plates. "It's all good. So what really happed at work-yoi?" You rolled your eyes while sitting down. "Im not sure, it's all kind of a blur. All I know is that I have a date Saturday." You say while taking a bite of some noodles.

He quickly looked back up in shock. "Who?!" You smiled and laughed, poking your food with your fork..

"Trafalgar D. Water Law.."

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