Chapter 8

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All you could hear is the pinging sound of you being paged, signaling that a surgery was needed for Your assistance.

As you groaned and quickly stood up, you made your way to the two large doors that had a sign that's labeled 'Surgery-Warning'. You busted through the doors and immediately regretted it when you locked eyes with the one and only, Dr.Trafalgar.

This past week, you both have acted like you didn't care much for each other. Acted as if everything was back to as it was before that sleepover.

You haven't talked to each other if it wasn't business related. The only times you really talked were when you both had papers on a patient. Even still, no more than glances and nods to each other.

You would be lying if you said it wasn't bothering you.

Deep down you wanted to talk, even if it was a quick conversation on work. How some of his patients were doing, or he himself was doing. But never continuing with the thought.

Despide the nervousness staring to stir in your stomach, you kept your composure while deeply cleaning your hands and arms having already been filled in on what was going on...Aortic Surgery.

Of course you've done this before, but the catch was you weren't the main Surgeon. He was, which got under your skin.

"Alright, scalpel." He asked and you handed it to him, making brief eye contact. You quickly handed him the utensil and waited for his next instructions.

As he kept on asking for different things, or in need of assistance, you could feel the glances he gave you. The Anesthesiologist who monitors the patients levels, could feel the tension between you two. "So, are you guys still fussing?" The older man asked while looking at the screen. "We are fine." You simply said focusing on the patient.

He scoffed and pressed some buttons. "I could feel both of your guys' tension from a mile away. I'm pretty sure everyone can." If was silent for a minute or two before a sigh came from the scrub nurse and shook her head. "Really, you guys are great surgeons. But when it comes to you both working together it's as like your mortal enemies. Besides, weren't you both just buddy's like a week ago?" She asked genuinely confused.

The now a little agitated law furrowed his brows, trying his hardest to concentrate. "This isn't the time to be talking about that." And just like that, it went back to being silent. The occasional clank of utensils, or the small sniffles coming from the Anesthesiologist.

Soon, three hours came by and Law finished the surgery. As always, being successful. He was stitching him back up as the silence was starting to eat at you. So as soon as he was taken away, you hurried into the room to get cleaned up. But of course, just as you were about finished he had finished right before you.

"Dr.[Y/n]-ya." You stopped in your tracks on your way to open the door to exit the room. "Yes, Dr. Trafalgar?" You say coldly, turning around towards him with a straight face despite the anxiety picking at you. "Can we talk?"

Your eyes slightly widened but you quickly calmed back down. "May I ask what for sir?" He crossed his arms and squinted his eyes. "You know why."

You shook your head and put your hand on the door handle and you turned around, pausing before you exited. "This is work... like you said, just keep things professional." And like that you left without letting him defend himself.

As you were walking to go see a certain little girl, he stood in silence shocked. For a split seconded be wanted to walk after you, but put that aside when his pager went off. "Damnit." Was all he said as he quickly made his way to his next location of work

You softly knocked on the door and soon heard a faint "hello?" And a cough following shorty after. You winced at the noise but soon entered with a big smile. Holding something behind your back.

"[N/n]? Your not busy? And what are you hiding?" She said starting out confused, then a sly smile approaching on her face.

You shrugged your shoulders and sighed. "I got a bit of time so ya know, came to visit. And just a little present."

Her eyes widened and looked as bright as the sun. "Really?!" She said happily, noticing that her voice was a little raspy. Probably due to the constant coughing.

You nodded your head and made your way to her, soon sitting on the chair besides her. You handed her the small gift to which she happily took and awaited for you to give her the go. "What are you waiting for? Go on, open it." She quickly tore the wrapping paper off only to find a small crystal fairy enclosed in a glass box.

As you got to know her better, you knew she loved fairy's and how they came into 'existence'.

Her eyes lit up even bright as she carefully lifted it up and examained the figure that was trapped inside.

Of course you didn't believe in that kind of stuff, but you wanted to make her happy. "Thank you [N/n]! I.. I really love it.." you noticed she started to end that sentence with a sad smile, instead of a happy one.

Being concerned you put a hand on her should and leaned you head a little down to try and see her. "Liz? You ok?" Your eyes softened even more as her bottom lip started to tremble. "Oh, come here-" you said holding her in a warm embrace as she softly started to sob into your shoulder.

"What if they never come? Do they even care? I don't even have anymore friends from school...They all said that-"

You shushed her and rocked her from side to side. "If they left you just like that, they weren't really your friend.. And your parents.. I'm not sure. But trust me, I know you you feel..." you say, grimacing at your own past. You pulled away and wiped her tears. "But hey! You still have me alright? So don't cry alright? I'll see if we can have lunch together again, ok?" You wiped another falling tear from her cheek with your thumb and ruffled her hair.

She sniffed and nodded her head, trying to put a smile on her face which only resulted in a wobbly one. "Alright, just get some rest alright?" You tucked her in and walked over to her music box you got her, twisting it until it started to play.

"Hey, [N/n]?" You turned back around from grabbing the door and looked over at her under the darkness that surrounded both of you. "Thank you...Your like a big sister.."

Immediately, your heart broke in two once hearing that. "Get some sleep, I'll talk with you tomorrow." And like that you slowly exited and let out a deep sigh. But when you turned around away from the door, you were met with an angered man crossing his arms. "Dr. Trafalgar?"

"My office. Now."

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