Chapter 10

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Ring ring...

Ring ring...

Ring Ri-

"Ugh...Hello?" You said bitterly with venom lacing your voice. "It's me [Y/n]-ya." You yawned and rubbed your eye while groaning. "Please don't tell me I'm called in-"

He let out a heavy sigh with engine sounds in the background. "I'm heading over, remember?" It took you a seconded to remember "Oh! Shit, the date!" He chuckled as there was a thump and a "Damnit-" in the background. "I'll be over in about an hour, dress fancy." You picked yourself back up and throwing the hair out of your face. "O-ok! Meet you then!" And with that he hung up.

You quickly picked yourself up and ran to your closet, tripping on the way. "How the fuck did I forget?!-" then you remembered the events of last night.

You peeked your head out and into your bedroom. And there laid a sleeping Nami and Robin, with alcoholic beverages scattered everywhere. "Of course-" you paused when there was a groan and one of them pushed themselves up. "Whoever is walking around like they're Godzilla, shut the fuck up."

Her head slowly turned to you, a menacing aura surrounding her. "I'm sorry Nami, I totally forgot I had a date today. If only I could find what to wear-" you say going back to looking into your closet.

Then two giggles crept up behind you, making a bead of sweat drip down your face. "You didn't tell us you had a date...[Y/n]."

You slowly turned your head around to see a Nami and Robin smiling with the intent to kill. "Uhm..surprise?"


Your black heels clicked against the cherry wood floor in the hallway leading up to the black dress that hugged your body quite nicely and ended a bit below your knees with a slit going up the left side up your thigh.

Your nails were blue and your neck and ears were decorated with beautiful jewelry. Your face consisted of deep-blue lipstick with a Smokey eye look. And last but not least, your hair was in a messy bun with strands hanging in front of your face. You felt a bit uncomfortable, considering what had happened last time. But that wasn't a date, was it?

"Hurry up! What's taking so long!" An irritated red-head said. "I'm not sure-" you were cut off. "[Y/n], I promise you look amazing. Now, stop hiding behind that corner." Robin said.

Finally, you walked out from hiding and when the girls eyes had landed on you their eyes lit up.

Nami's eyes screamed while robins softly completed you. "You look amazing! Your definitely going to get some-" you quickly cut her off. "Stop. No, hell no. It's the first date-" she rolled her eyes and sat back down. "And? Doesn't mean you can't!" You internally face palmed at her words.

Then suddenly, a knock at the front door yanked you from your thoughts. "That's him. Thank you girls for.. all of this." You motioned to your outfit. "Of course, [Y/n]." And just like that you gave them hug, grabbed everything you needed, and opened the door to find a fine ass man at the steps waiting for you.

"You look beautiful, ready to go?" He said while giving you a hug. "Why thank you, you look well done yourself. And yes, Lead the way."

Quickly, he walked you to his car and opened the door for you. You thanked him and you soon were both off to this unknown restaurant that you were exited, but also nervous about.


When he pulled up to a parking spot, he let out a sigh and turned your way. "Ready?" He asked, to which you gave a soft smile too. "Yeah, let's go." And just like that you both exited the car and made your way to the entrance.

Now at this point, you were even more nervous due to the fact this could go many, many ways. But you sucked it up and kept calm with a straight face.

"Trafalgar." He said after the waitress asked the name under the reservation. And very soon, she lead you to a mostly secluded table that was very close to a window that had a view of a beautiful pond. "Thank you." You said to the waiter, to which she responded with a simple 'Your welcome'.

It was calm and quiet, but not really uncomfortable. It's as if nothing had to be said. Soon the waiter came to ask for drinks, and perhaps aputizers. "Red Wine." He simply said, and then she turned to you.

You've never been here before, but you thought maybe wine wouldn't sound so bad. "The same please." She nodded and walked away.

"So, how did you come to be a surgeon?" This question hit deep but, you wanted to make whatever this was work. "Parents were never really there, and never really had any friends, so I guess to get their attention I wanted to do something big. And I guess it led to me studying my whole life for this." You said with a broken smile. "What about you?" He was silent but talked with hesitation. "It's somewhat kind of the same..Except different...Pretty different."

He seemed hurt, as if his past was something you don't tread lightly. You didn't want to push it so you just smiled and nodded your head. You both were quiet looking at the menu for food when the waitress came back to hand you both your drinks.

"Are you both ready to order?" She asked politely. You looked at Law for conformation, and when he nodded you looked back at the waiter. "Yes, can I please have the sirloin steak? Medium well, with the mashed potatoes and asparagus?" You asked while looking at the menu, making sure you had gotten everything right. When she had everything written down, she moved to the man in front of you. "And what can I get you?" She asked politely. "Grilled salmon, everything with it is fine." He said, not even batting an eye at her. "Alright, it will be out shortly." And with that, she once again left.

You both mainly talked about life and how you came to be what you both were today. After the food had come, you both just talked. Nothing too special, you know..jokes thrown here and there. But what you thought that really mattered is that you had fun.

You half excepted to just talk about work, or just sit in silence considering how he acts. But, he definitely kicked those thoughts out of the window.

After he paid - which you were mad about because you at least wanted to pay half or give him some money, but he didn't let you in the slightest - you both walked out, and you were laughing and smiling... Something you haven't done a lot lately due to the lack of sleep.

When you had gotten to his car you both just looked at each other. Nothing had to be said, it was a moment of peace.

You walked up closer to him, putting your hands on his cheeks. You leaned in, pressing your lips up against his. His eyes widened just barley, but quickly went back to normal. And slowly, his hands traced up to your hips, laying gently on them giving you a comfortable feeling.

The kiss got more heated, as if it was a battle to see who would back down first. And surprisingly, he did.

You opened your eyes and looked up to see him almost admiring you. "Let's get you home." He said when he leaned down to your neck, laying a soft kiss in his trail.

Somehow, you knew that sentence he just said sounded innocent, but in reality he was not letting you in on what he was planning. "Alright.." and just like that, you both were on the way to your house.

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