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He wouldn't.

He told me he'd wait. Wait for what? I'm not sure, still unpacking that.

He wouldn't actually show up tonight right?

I've kissed the man twice now and he's as addicting as the next hard drug on the streets.

Not that I do drugs or anything but you get what I'm saying.

We're all very aware of how weak I am when it comes to Adrian Harley and each time I'm around him only continues to prove that.

My self control snaps and I give into the urges of wanting to pounce him and I am so ashamed of myself for it.

A weak and lonely woman is what I am.

After a fashion show with my sister that lasted three hours, I was finally set free with the perfect outfit for the party. Perfect according to Addie anyway, which is all that matters to me considering I owe her a third of my life.

I also may have just worn a trash bag if she told me to because of the guilt I felt after getting all jealous watching Adrian tease her and touch her.

Why? Because the last week was spent trying to convince myself to give Adrian a chance. A chance at whatever crazy shit he was trying to offer me the first night I kissed him because a part of me is curious and genuinely attracted to him.

A part of me wants him.

Then I saw him with my sister and felt like an idiot because they are the epitome of what a perfect couple should look like.

Her blonde against his raven black, both their hair and personalities, it was something right out of a goddamn fairy tail.

Then my guilt shifted when he pounced me in the bathrooms and my body was hot with something else. I felt guilty because Addie has been obsessed with him for forever and here he was claiming to crave me. I'd never felt so wanted, so needed by a man. I feel guilty because I want him just as much as he claims to want me.

I can't deny it anymore because it's completely pointless.

Now, I'm on my couch, chewing my nails and trying to read my book, hoping I'm easily distracted by the enchanting football romance happening right in my hands.

It's not working.

I've been on the same page for 20 minutes.

Suddenly, my front door flies open and I smother my yelp with my hand when that sea of green catches sight of me, his gaze darkening.

He would.

"A-Adrian, wh-" I'm cut off when he strides over to where I'm sat on my couch trying to do some reading, kicking off his shoes in the process and plucking my book from my hand, setting it on my coffee table.

Then, he sits beside me, reaching for me and lifting me up as if I weighed nothing, placing me over him so that I'm straddling him.

"Adrian!" I gasp, my cheeks all hot and, no doubt, bright red.

"Hi" he murmurs, those green eyes staring up at me like I'd given him the world and his arms wrap around my waist like he knows I'd try to escape.

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