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I wake to the sound of ruckus being made in my kitchen and groan due to the raging headache I have. My eyes feel swollen and my back and stomach are just nothing but globs of pain and suffering.

Last nights events flood to the front of my mind and I have to swallow the fresh tears threatening to fall.

Wanting nothing more than to lie here and whither away, I get up anyway because if I don't, Xander will come in here and threaten that if I don't get up and take care of myself, he'll do it himself.

I emerge from my bedroom, Xander spotting me in seconds and shutting off the stove before rushing over to me with a glass of water in one hand a couple of pain killers in the other.

"Hey, I was just about to set these on your bedside table" he frowns and I thank him softly, swallowing the pills and guzzling the water, not realizing just how thirsty I was.

"Sit down" he ushers me to the table and then scurry's over to my freezer, pulling out a pack of broccoli and handing it to me, gesturing to his own cheek.

Smiling weakly, I press the frozen vegetables to my own face and thank him again.

I sit there silently, icing my face while Xander moves as quietly as Xander can around my kitchen, making us breakfast.

When he sets a plate down in front of me and takes the seat across from me, neither of us touch our food.

He folds his hands on top of the table and lets out a shaky breath.

"I'm taking care of this" he informs me and my eyes widen.


"No. Listen to me, Emory, I'm done. I can't take this shit anymore. Look at you" he gestures to me and it makes me sink into my seat with embarrassment.

I'm embarrassed. Embarrassed that I become this hopeless and meek little girl. Embarrassed that I give my father the slightest chance and end up taking the biggest losses of my life.

It's embarrassing.

"I'll take care of it. That's all you need to know." he tells me and I don't have the strength to press him for anymore details.

"I called Gary and told him to give you the next few days off, your body's in no shape to do that job right now and since I know you'll have a hissy fit about me going to your siblings, I'm giving you a choice" he explains.

It's not going to be a good choice, I already know it.

"You stay here until you're in shape to head back to work with Gray, Addie, Adrian and I switching off to come stay with you and check on you any time we can or you go stay with your mom for a bit" Xander offers.

"Those are my options?" I scoff.

"Yes. I'm not leaving you in this apartment alone, not in this state" he says firmly, not faltering one bit.

"This is going to kill her, Xander" I admit, my voice shaky and weak, my decision clear in my voice.

Like I said, it's not a good choice but it's one I'm well aware of making when it comes down to my father.

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