Chapter 19

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After that steamy session we went to take a shower together and he had me from the back for some time and we got out and he helped me into my dress and shoes while I also helped him wear his suit. He fixed my hair and I also did his. While I was fixing his hair he pulled me closer to him and hugged me, I hugged him back and he kissed my forehead.

Caleb: I love you Nobuhle I've always loved you from the very first moment I saw you my heart has been needing you, I need you in my life with me but I also don't want to pressure you so I will keep on waiting until you see that I love you very much. Thank you for today you made this one of the best days of my life and I will forever worship the ground you walk on. I want you to know that I am yours and no woman will ever get me or touch me because I now belong to you I will cut off all my fuck buddies and focus on you, take your time but not too much time please like I said I need you in my life I just can't go on without you.

I hugged him tighter I felt every word he said he meant it and right now my feelings for him are not clear but I really like him that I know but I also don't know if I'm ready for another relationship or not.

Me: I will think about it

Caleb: that's all I ask for baby

He let go of me and I tried to walk but almost fell down I say almost because Caleb caught me before I reached the floor.

Caleb: careful

Me: Ethan I can't feel my legs

He looked at me trying hard not to laugh, this idiot it's his fault I can't walk and here he is laughing at me. I hit his arm and he bursted out in laughter.

Me: mxm

Caleb: I'm.... I... am.. sorry

Me: now how am I going to get home?

It's already 7pm and Ma'Mtolo has already left Esihle is with her father now.

Caleb: I'll pick you up

Me: no what will the people say

Caleb: who cares what they say?

Me: I just got divorced and now I'm being seen with someone else?

Caleb: first of all they do not pay you secondly its late now everyone left an hour ago except for Samantha.

Me: Samantha?

Caleb: yes Samantha my PA

Me: oh she didn't even introduce herself and she had an attitude when she was speaking to me.

He made me sit down and went to his desk and pressed a button.

Me: what are you doing?

Just as I asked there was a knock on the door.

Caleb: come in

Samantha came in and when she saw me her mood changed.

Samantha: yes sir

Caleb: did you introduce yourself to Miss Khumalo?

Samantha: yes sir I did

I cocked my eyebrows and looked at her.

Caleb: you're not lying?

Samantha: ye.. yes sir

Caleb turned his attention to me.

Caleb: is she telling the truth?

Me: of course not

He looked at Samantha

Caleb: what do you have to say about that?

Samantha: I'm sorry I thought I did I'm really sorry mam

Me: it's Miss Khumalo to you and he is Mr Saunders to you not sir

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