Chapter 1

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Being the child of Jake sully was something that any child would be proud about, and everyone had praised the family for their close bond. There was someone who was missing jake and neytiri had other child a girl before Lo'ak and Kiri but she was not living with them. When she was born she was not like the rest she was born on rumored bad day and if five fingers were not something that scared anyone else, but some her human colored eyes scared them. Other tshaik and elders had thought she was cruse on pandora, and thought if she lived she will bring bad luck to everyone around here. All the clans were in uproar of what will become of the child as no on wanted to keep the unions if you were still at the omatacayia clan. So neytiri and Jake had to make the hard decisions for their family, the clan, and for the rest of pandora they gave you up. Moat and some elders told them not to do this as it will result in bad outcomes for everyone, but they were outnumbered in voted.

Moat " hear  my words clearly my daughter once you hand over your daughter this can be fixed"

Neytiri " mother we have to do this for our family and the clan"

Moat " she is your family"

Neytiri " she can't stay here if we keep her the clan will pay and make her pay ... we are doing this for everyone and her"

Moat " you disappointed me daughter you father and sister will be ashamed of you"

Jake " listen moat we are sorry but we will have to do what we think is right I'm olo'eyuthan and my word is final"

Moat " then I will take her to a new home a place where she will feel safe and welcome"

Neytiri " no mother let us take her so she can remember us"

Moat " I'm an tshaik and elder I out rule the both of you now hand over the child it will be best if you stay here and, attend to your family and not some unknown baby" moat had taken the baby out of her daughter hand and soon called her ikran.

Neytiri " mother please let her take this her song chord so she can remember us"

Moat " oh my daughter she will remember enough of everything and everyone"

Neytiri " please mother she needs to know we love her and will be waiting for her return"moat soon sighed and soon took the song chord into her hands.

Moat " my the great mother forgive you all for your crimes against this child"

Jake " it just for the time being she will be somewhere safe and we will can see her and rise her as our own"

Moat " oh Jake sully you have fallen from the mighty hero you once were" moat turned her back on her daughter and Jake, but the couple followed her.

Jake " tell us where you are taking her so we can come see you"

Moat " the great mother has spoken you won't know where she is until she right to, for now rise the two kids you have and grow you family"

Neytiri " mother "

Moat " I most leave if I'm going to get her there on time" moat soon got on her banshee and soon took off, into the air she was made about what was happening. She knew the child was innocent and old nasty rumors were sending her away from her family and clan.

Many hours later

???? " who is there you know it wrong to interrupt a tshaik when she listens to eywa"

Moat " hello my old friend" moat was looking at an elder tshaik women.

Tupia " moat it been so long I have heard your daughter has given birth to a baby girl"

Moat " yes that why I'm here I have come here asking for sanctuary for the child"

Tupia " come with me and we can speak about this serious matter" soon the two women and left to speak at Tupia home about you, and even Tupia was not happy about what she had heard.

Tupia " these young tshaik and leaders think they know everything, and the elders are worst holding the past against a child"

Moat " yes and if she stays trouble will come and I don't wish that for my granddaughter"

Tupia " she can stay here and learn the ways of the Navi, the group will welcome her"

Moat " Thank you"

Tupia " does your daughter know of the major effect's because of her actions"

Moat " I have tried speaking with her and Jake but they don't listen, they are worried about their family and clan"

Tupia " they don't worry about their own child"

Moat" it seems like that"

Tupia " do they know what the out come of this will be for them and everyone else"

Mo'at " no they don't I have tried telling them that but they won't listen this is my own solution ... she can't go with the humans as they are being test by the other clans"

Tupia " some of these human can come here and see the child as she might get Illness I can't cure here, and it will help her as well to undertake why she have five finger and toes"

Moat " I will see if they can happen but seeing how they are loyal to Jake and his command they might not come"

Tupia " then they will face harsh criticism from her when she become older hasn't anyone listened to you"

Moat " they are all young and not experienced in life yet and think what they are doing will be explained easily for the child"

Tupia " there a difference between fantasy and reality my friend ... they will see their actions to keep everyone else safe will be hard to get a child or teen to forgive them"

Moat " it seems like my daughter was hoping she could rebuild a relationship with her when she was older rand welcome, her back home"

Tupia " we will see if that happen my friend ... oh little y/n you will become something great it sad you will have to face it being seen as someone bad until the truth comes out"

Moat " I will come see her when I cam and tell her what she needs, I won't keep her in the dark like everyone else was thinking"

Tupia " understood" moat soon left but not without hugging you on last time and kissing your forehead she was sad to leave, but she knew her clan needed her and you will be safe with her friend. You could understand you were being left behind and it took Tupia some time to clams you down but soon everything was better. Once moat had come home she didn't speak with anyone as she was upset about the situation she was praying to see you once again and that you will be well.

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