Chapter 7

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It was a brand new day you were walking around the village it was next day after the arrival of the humans, and clan was keeping their distance due to bad past experiences that had happened. You didn't care about being news of the humans but you also kept your distance as well, from them due to knowing they couldn't go taken you but choice not to. As they didn't want to be on bad terms with all the navi clans.

Y/n " maybe I should go see them today it won't be that bad for me right"

Neteyam " hey y/n over here" you walked towards neteyam as he had a bright smile on his face.

Y/n " hello neteyam how are your friends settling in to their new environment and home"

Neteyam " oh they are doing well and seem to be getting use to their new home"

Y/n " they wonderful the warriors have reported you all have been doing well"

Neteyam " that wonderful come with me I want to show you the rest of the clan, I want you to feel connected with our people and tribe" you wanted to say something else but kept your mouth shut soon enough neteyam had taken you hand soon started walking off with you.

Human 1 " hey neteyam"

Neteyam " hey"

Female Human " hey neteyam"

Neteyam " hello"

???? " hey neteyam there you are"

Neteyam " hey max there is someone I will love you to meet"

Max " oh hello who is you little friend"

Neteyam " this is my second sister y/n don't you remember her" soon everyone had stoped what they were doing and soon looked at you.

Trudy " you have to lying she was a baby last time we saw her"

Neteyam " no this is really her we meet her a couple days ago and since then join the clan she was taken in by ... oh sis this max and Trudy they are like our uncle and aunt ... they are also best friends of our dad"

Max " hello"

Y/n " ....." you were very nervous as now they were all looking at you like they were studying you making you very uncomfortable.

???? " hey max where would you like these ... y/n" you som saw your father, Lo'ak, spider, and norm carrying some boxes soon placing them down. They were som followed by Tsu'tey who was helping as well you soon looked at them get even more uncomfortable.

Max " neteyam told us this is your daughter the baby girl"

Female human 2 " I thought she had dead that why they never spoke about her"

Female human 3 " look at her she has five fingers and toes along with eyebrows she has to be Jake kid or some other avatar kid"

Trudy " hey stop you hurtful gossip"

Females " sorry"

Trudy " hey kid if you need some leverage on this old man here I have enough embarrassing stories about him to tell you"

Y/n " ....."

Norm " Trudy she doesn't speak English she only speaks navi and other form of the navi language"

Max " she does she a amazing I never knew of this until now and look at her she seem to be different version of all avater kids like her"

Spider " if I was you I would keep an eye out soon they will be running test on you to see how you made it this far"

Trudy " spider be nice we just have many questions the last time we saw you was when you were a small child, and had everything as not so good"

Jake " Trudy she doesn't.. forget I will help you learn English and it a can bring us together"

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