The history between the mothers

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Hello everyone I have come here to explain the history between Reu and Neytiri, as it has been shown in the book that they were once best friends but that all changed. Well here in to explain what happened to being these two women apart.


Reu and neytiri had once been the closest of friends and even attend Grace school together after the tragic day tha5 happened their friendship had become distance and fragile. As both girls had been effected by the events that unfolded as they both lost someone who was close f0 them. They were writ to each other and hangout during the gatherings but, that all stoped once they become adults and neytiri starting becoming distance and keeping to her clan and the forest clans.

Reu still had respect for her old friend and toruk Makto but that all changed, when she meet you after you were abandoned by your parents. She could see that house are an innocent child and the rumors were false, even due the hated her old friend she was not going to leave a baby alone. So she did all she could to raise you well and make sure, you were given all the support and love that was needed. She was not the only one who was disgusted with the behavior of the other clans, and how the treated you when you were baby and couldn't defend yourself. She has said neytiri had failed as mother when she didn't fight for her, but loves all her other children.

Her feelings about them haven't gotten better, and maybe has gotten worse. She had seen your parents and clan behavior since they came here and now some are still treating you horrible, after you have saved and help them again and again. She also hates the way neytiri and Jake have been treating her son and his connection with you, she approves of the relationship but hates how Jake treats and speaks with her son.

Neytiri is very jealous as she see her old friend having a mother and daughter relationship, with y/n and hates how her former friend has stolen her place in her daughter life. She always doesn't like the way on now the clan had raised you as if was not the way she wanted you to be raised. See your bond with Reu and Ziuo was something that upset her. She also didn't like yaimi that much and thought there was someone else better front then the boy.

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