Chapter 16

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It felt like time had froze when you were looking the leader in the eyes. He soon stepped closer towards you sending panic into everyone else, but a select few. When others will back down in fear or try to show they were not to be messed with, you were standing there like you are at peace with the world. When the stranger reach out a hand towards you that when Jake had went into action, he was not going to let this unknown Navi to land a hand on his daughter when he was around. He soon grabbed her arm once again and mover her behind him now looking at the man, who was maybe a few inches or feet taller than him.

Jake " get away from my daughter" Jake had his blade out pointing towards the strangers trying to show he was a mighty warrior and standing tall, you looked at him and soon the stranger.

???? " so your father has finally decided to show himself after all these years casting you aside to listen, to these fools and their words against you"

Y/n " yes they had arrived here looking for help with the metekayain clan the RDA had driven them from their homes"

????? " so what makes them think they can come here and act like they are all mighty, after how the6 treated you all those years ago it disgusts me to the core and he still has the smell of humans"

Y/n " I can explain that all later in time so you have come to join us and fight or watch"

????? " we have come to fight veo and leu it been a long time"

Olo'eythan " will someone please feel us on what going on here"

Tsu'tey " there is another dialogue that is spoken here"

Olo'eythan 2 " something else veo has forgotten to mention to us all"

Leu " that was not for my father to decide"

????? " if it makes you all feel better I will speak the langue's we all can understand I don't know for my warriors here"

Y/n " see not it all better we can all understand each other"

????? " it good to see you y/n you have grown up since I last saw you and soon enough you will be adult of the clan"

Jake " I won't let you lay a hand on my daughter I don't know you"

Y/n " he is olo'eythan Ziuo the leader of his tribe that from lands of ash and fire" Jake was still looking that the man still not trusting him at all.

Ziuo " so you are her father the mighty toruk Makto I have heard the stories about you the dreamwalker that become one of us, once a sky person now navi"

Jake " yes that is me and I'm her father"

Ziuo " you words make me laugh" Ziuo started laughing getting his warriors to laugh as well as they were all looking at him, this had made jake mad a bit.

Tsu'tey " how dare you laugh at toruk Makto and show him disrespect like that how are you an olo'eythan"

Ziuo " it the truth I speak and we all know it he had given up his daughter to make you all happy, and now he stands he trying to act like a father to her when he hasn't been here for many years"

Jake " that was an mistake it had made and who are you to her Ziuo"

Veo " he was one of the many here that step up to be a parent or mentor to your daughter when you were not there"

Tonowari " it seems like you all did a god job raising her"

Olo'eythan 3 " yes let's hope she stays good we don't need her starting any trouble and bring doom to us"

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