Chapter 17

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It was the next day after the whole situation of the Ziuo clan came, and you finally showed off your ikran to everyone. It seems like everyone had come to an understanding of becoming allies as you were looking at them and having them finish the meeting. None of the olo'eythans or tshaiks wished to debate with you, while Luno looked at everyone behind you. It seems like he was ready to snap at any of them if they did anything to upset you anymore. Once the meeting had ended, there appeared to be a silent agreement between all the olo'eythans, as everyone had gone home for the day with wonder and many questions. It was now a brand new day, and more questions were surfacing about you than before the whole situation.

Y/n " .........." you had left your home early to go for a flight with Luno. You know he might be high-tempered at the moment, as he seems not to like all the others the much.

????? " hey, y/n," you heard your name getting called. You had stopped dead in your tracks and saw it was Yaimi.

Y/n "So it looks like I'm not the only one that's up."

Yaimi: "Yeah, I couldn't sleep any longer my mind has been racing since yesterday's events."

Y/n " oh"

Yaimi "It seems like no one was prepared to meet your ikran."

Y/n "Well, he is the son of toruk Makto mighty like his father"

Yaimi " yes my father was very impress about yesterday he and I had talked about you, for quite a bit"

Y/n " oh so you and your dad are talking more"

Yaimi " don't get your hopes high ma y/n just because we talked doesn't mean, we are a good son and father relationship hey my mom made him sleep in his own tent last night"

Y/n " that sounds like your mom" the two teens laugh with each other it seems like Yaimi knew what you were up to at the moment.

Yaimi " hey may I join you for a flight it will be fun"

Y/n " sure let's hope luno is a good mood right now we don't need him become mad"

Yaimi " he seemed like he as ready to bite anyone if they came close to you or did anything else"

Y/n " yes that my ikran he is mighty but also has a wild sprit to himself"

Yaimi " just like his rider" you soon smiles towards Yaimi as he smiled back he had soon placed his hand on your right check, you had placed your hand over his smiling back at him.

Yaimi " I see you y/n and I will always see you and I don't care what anyone else has to say about you"

Y/n " thank you Yaimi and I see you as well and one day I know you will be mighty leader and bring honor to your family"

????? " there you two are" the two teens soon looked up to see neteyam along with Lo'ak, aonung, and Rotxo, spider walking towards the two.

Y/n " good morning all of you it seems like you all are awake"

Neteyam " yes our father is doing some flying with the other olo'eythans and we all have been invited to come"

Y/n " oh so this is father and son situation"

Spider " yes coming from my father is to make a bond between all the leader and warriors as well"

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